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The Scramble for Africa

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1 The Scramble for Africa

2 Setting the Stage Industrialization fueled interest of European countries Africa = raw materials. Colonial powers seized vast area of Africa during the 19th and 20th centuries. Imperialism

3 Africa Before European Domination
African peoples were divided into hundreds of ethnic and linguistic groups. European travel was hindered by difficult rivers and malaria.


5 The Congo Sparked Interest
Leopold II (king) claimed that his involvement in Africa was to abolish the slave trade. He licensed private companies to harvest sap from rubber trees. Millions of people from the Congo died (why?) The Belgian government took control French were alarmed by Belgium taking over and began claiming parts of Northern & Western Africa Soon other countries followed




9 Forces Driving Imperialism
Industrial Revolution—search for new markets and raw materials Belief in European Superiority National pride—empire as the measure of national greatness Racism (the superiority of one race over another) expressed in Social Darwinism -- applied Darwin’s theory of natural selection to society. Duty to bring civilization and progress to the “uncivilized”

10 Factors Promoting Imperialism in Africa
European technological superiority Superior arms—Maxim gun Means to control an empire Steam engine, railroads, cables, and steam ships Medical advances-development of quinine, an anti-malaria drug, in 1829. Rival groups within Africa creates disunity




14 The Division of Africa Diamonds and gold were discovered in South Africa. Berlin Conference ( ): European nations agreed to lay down rules for the division of Africa. No African ruler was invited to this conference. So what?



17 The Zulu Kingdom New state created on the edge of an existing empire
Centralized government Army Created conflict when British wanted more territory

18 Anglo-Zulu War


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