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6+1 Traits.

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1 6+1 Traits

2 Today’s Schedule Revision Activity 6+1 Writing Traits defined
Ideas and Content Organization Word Choice Voice Using Literature to teach traits Student samples Student Sample Assignment

3 Ideas- what matters to you, the main message, the main idea, interesting topics, what’s important
Organization- beginning, middle, end- graphic organizers, pre-writing Voice- make it sound like you, use colorful words, figurative language, passion in your writing, aware of the reader Word Choice- parts of speech used correctly, figurative language, transition words Sentence Fluency- smooth and easy to read, makes sense, subject/verb agreement Conventions- punctuation, spelling, grammar Presentation- who is your audience, overall appearance, pleasing to the eye, for your intended audience

4 Using Literature to Teach Traits
A mentor text is defined by NNWP’s Writing Fix site as, “A published piece of writing whose idea, whose structure, or whose written craft can be analyzed and discussed as a means of inspiring students' own writing.” There are 3 types of Mentor Texts, they are: Idea Structure Craft At this point, share the 7 writings power point.

5 Student Writing Samples
Using student samples and the rubric, we will be assessing student work.

6 For Tuesday Sentence Fluency Conventions Presentation
Continue Literature to Teach Traits Assessing Student Samples Importance of Grammar

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