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my mother never spoke again in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes

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Presentation on theme: "my mother never spoke again in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes"— Presentation transcript:

1 my mother never spoke again in his presence, nor did she meet his eyes

2 Big Question How does Garland present ideas about honour and blame?
Kamikaze Pilots

3 Literacy Task In this narative poem, beatrice garland explores the testimony of the daughter of a kamikazee pilot. Unlike many of his comrade’s, this pilot turns back from his tarrget and returns home. Source: BBC website

4 Literacy Task In this narrative poem, Beatrice Garland explores the testimony of the daughter of a kamikaze pilot. Unlike many of his comrades, this pilot turns back from his target and returns home. Source: BBC website




8 Honour Decision Culture Bravery Reasons Shame Blame Family Punishment Future Conformity Community

9 Big Question How does Garland present ideas about honour and blame?

10 Big Question How does Garland present ideas about honour and blame?
Tone Enjambment Adjective Symbolism ‘Kamikaze’ refers to a Japanese military tactic during World War II; pilots were commanded to fly their planes directly into enemy targets, inflicting massive damage and killing themselves in the process. As the poem opens, Garland evokes the rituals of an unnamed pilot prior to take-off. The image of a samurai sword…

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