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Section 1: Childhood and Teaching Today

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1 Section 1: Childhood and Teaching Today

2 Chapter 1 Childhood Today

3 Families Have Changed Smaller (often with one child)
Divorce Rate has climbed One out of five children living in single-parent family Frequent moving /few close relationships

4 Children and Childhood Have Changed
Children pushed to grow-up faster Parents want children who demand less time Children are less active and lives are more institutionalized Children are more consumer oriented Many come from abusive homes

5 Learning Has Changed Learn less from books and more from media
Memorize less and learn more about where to find information Learn less individually and more in groups Expected to know more

6 Society Has Changed Society provides no guidance or leadership on values or moral issues Religion is on the back shelf Children are growing up in a multicultural society

7 The Church’s Response to Children’s Needs
Old methods need to change Church can meet the needs of today’s children Learning strategies influence a child’s knowledge of, attitude toward, and connection with God

8 Key’s To Understanding Today’s Children
Family structure and functioning are different Children mature earlier Children learn more from media Children are growing up in a post-modern society Children are growing up in a multicultural society

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