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Presentation on theme: "SAMPLE INFORMATIONAL MEETING QUESTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Industry Questions What significant developments on the horizon could affect future opportunities? The industry has changed dramatically in the past five years. How have the changes affected this company? Based on my research, I understand that the industry has changed a lot in the past X years. What have you seen from your company? Who are the most important people in the industry today? I am searching for a position in XYZ industry, can you recommend some steps to take? I read about XYZ event in this industry, how has that affected your business? Can you talk about the most typical job progression in this industry? Does this industry typically offer training to new hires? If so, what does it entail? What is the best way to secure a position in this field? What kinds of challenges do you face in this industry? What keeps your CEO up at night? Company Questions I read that your firm’s goals are X, Y and Z. How do you see the implementation of those goals on a daily basis? Given X, what approach does your company take in the marketplace? What is unique about the way your company operates? How does the reporting structure work? What are the accepted channels of communication and how do they work? How are employees recognized, judged and rewarded? What does the company consider important for someone to fit into the corporate culture? What are the key qualifications this company seek in a new hire? What is the background of most senior-level executives? What do you see as the strategic goals for the company? For your department? When people leave this organization, what types of positions do they pursue? THE WHARTON MBA ALUMNI CAREER MANAGMENT

Position Questions Could you describe a typical workday? What is the range of your responsibilities? What are the crucial skills that are required in this position on a day-to-day basis? What project (s) are you working on? What skills are required for your position? What qualifications are sought after in a new hire? What personality traits do you consider critical to success in this job? Personal Perspective Questions What is your background? How did you position yourself for this field? How did you enter the industry/position? What attracted you to this company/role? What parts of your job are most difficult/ enjoyable? How do you collaborate and interact with other divisions and functions? Is there anything that has surprised you about this field, either positive or negative? Advice & Referral Questions Are there books/trade journals you would recommend that I read to best prepare for a career in this industry? Who else can you recommend that I speak to about my interest in X? What else do you think I need to know at this point? Do you have any comments or feedback on my resume? Do you have any advice for me as I go through the job search process? Are there any professional associations or conferences that are especially relevant for this industry? If you were in my position, embarking on a career in this industry, what companies would you suggest I target? THE WHARTON MBA ALUMNI CAREER MANAGMENT


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