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The Crucible Vocabulary in Context

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1 The Crucible Vocabulary in Context
Vocabulary Unit 1 The Crucible Vocabulary in Context

2 Crucible The Salem Witch Trials ended up serving as a crucible to the Puritans’ morals and motives. Part of Speech: noun Testing circumstances that cause people to change An ordeal or severe trial What could be some synonyms to crucible?

3 inert In the opening scene of The Crucible, Betty Parris is in a bed, inert, eyes closed, as if in a state of comatose. Part of Speech: adjective What could be some synonyms to inert? Unable to move or act Sluggish in action or motion

4 ingratiate Charles tried his best to ingratiate himself with his boss by bringing her coffee. Part of Speech: verb To gain favor with someone by deliberate efforts What could be some synonyms to ingratiate?

5 dissemble George dissembled his appearance in order to sneak into the party he wasn’t invited to. Part of Speech: verb To conceal one’s true motives or thoughts often by giving a false, misleading appearance What could be some synonyms to dissemble?

6 begrudge She did not begrudge the money spent on her children’s education. Begrudgingly, I gave my phone to the teacher. Part of Speech: verb (begrudge) adverb (begrudgingly) To envy or resent the pleasure or good fortune of someone else To be reluctant to give or allow What could be some synonyms to begrudge?

7 formidable Abigail Williams proved herself to be formidable by causing the hysteria in Salem which ultimately lead to many to be charged with witchcraft. Part of Speech: adjective Causing fear or apprehension Discouraging because of awesome strength, power, size, or strength What could be some synonyms to formidable?

8 Trepidation I feel a massive amount of trepidation about taking my driver’s license test. Part of Speech: noun A state of alarm, dread, or apprehension Involuntary trembling or quivering What could be some synonyms to trepidation?

9 Reckon/ Reckoning Some believe there will be a day of reckoning, when our good and bad deeds will be measured. A good business must reckon its profits and expenditures regularly. Part of Speech: noun (reckoning) verb (reckon) Reckoning (noun): a count or calculation; the settlement of accounts between parties Reckon (Verb): to count, compute, calculate; to settle accounts, as with a person What could be some synonyms to reckon and reckoning?

10 partisan A partisan to her political party, Rita blindly voted only for candidates who were Democrats, without ever giving any of the other nominees a chance. Part of Speech: noun/ adjective A biased, even blind supporter of a person, group, or cause, often not willing to listen to other people’s opinions What could be some synonyms to partisan?

11 pretense When I told you I loved you, it was merely pretense.
Part of Speech: noun An act that is actually pretend or false; a piece of make- believe What could be some synonyms to pretense?

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