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An Open Archival Repository System for UT Austin

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1 An Open Archival Repository System for UT Austin
Preparing the Way for the Next Generation of Scholars and Information Seekers

2 Knowledge Gateway Larry Faulkner
“We will provide access for every citizen, via a personalized Internet window, into the resources of our libraries, collections, museums and much more.” Larry Faulkner 2/17/2019

3 UT Austin Owns an Abundance of Content…
We have print and analog content that can be digitally re-formatted We have a growing abundance of “born digital” material that only exist in digital formats 2/17/2019

4 And much of it is already on the the Web….

5 Not just about how to publish anymore…
It is about how to keep publishing and keep maintaining Its about what to keep and how to keep it 2/17/2019

6 What to keep publishing
Librarians refer to the process of continuing to maintain something as “PRESERVATION” 2/17/2019

7 When it was just paper Most people didn’t care that much because paper (even the highly acidic kind) outlived the people who produced it Plus, libraries were around and you could just dump all the paper you wanted to keep into the library and they would worry about it. 2/17/2019

8 Information (Especially Digital Information) Doesn’t Outlive People Without Lot’s of Work and Planning 2/17/2019

9 The University wants a great deal of the knowledge it produces and the information it makes available to persist over long periods of time… 2/17/2019

10 Quick Review We have lots of information
We will continue to produce lots more information Some of it we need to keep for a long time Some of it we don’t 2/17/2019

11 So, what’s the problem? 2/17/2019

12 Long-term Preservation
Implicit in the Knowledge Gateway concept is continued access to the riches of content we hold in our collections, laboratories, museums, lectures, classrooms, etc… 2/17/2019

13 Hardware required to consume digital information…
Client This is all post-production… Network Storage Systems Storage Media Backup System Server Information Content 2/17/2019

14 Can’t just preserve media, information content, disk drives…must focus on all components of the systems that provide digital content 2/17/2019

15 Back in “the day” THE content was catalog records that described library materials 2/17/2019

16 Today The digital content is the actual research data and scholarship itself-books, journals, software, datasets, music, video, still images, all manner of digitized and born digital content 2/17/2019

17 Yesterday We needed systems that were designed & optimized for producing and managing “electronic catalog records” that described print and analog materials 2/17/2019

18 Today We need systems designed & optimized for producing and managing the actual material to which the metadata refer 2/17/2019

19 Yesterday The content that libraries “produced” was catalog records

20 Today Libraries are producing digital collections AND catalog records

21 Need a new model for working in this environment
We still have authors/producers We still have libraries/archives We still have end-users 2/17/2019

22 We are not the only ones facing this challenge
Harvard Library’s Digital Initiative MIT’s Dspace 2/17/2019

23 The Digital Library community is adopting a new ISO Standard
Open Archival Information System (OAIS) A conceptual framework to assist organizations who have material they want to preserve 2/17/2019

24 Origins of OAIS In 1995 the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) initiated a planning process to develop a reference model for the long term preservation of digital materials obtained from observations of the planetary space 2/17/2019

25 Purpose: 1 Framework for understanding and applying concepts needed for long-term digital information preservation Long-term is long enough to be concerned about changing technologies 2/17/2019

26 Purpose: 2 Ascribes a set responsibilities to an OAIS that distinguish it from other archives Conceptual framework useful for comparing archives and benchmarking 2/17/2019

27 Purpose : 3 Basis for development of additional standards
Metadata and encoding scheme for example Identifies a full range of archival functions Ingest, archival storage, data management, access, preservation planning, administration 2/17/2019

28 OAIS Information Archival Information System
Any type of knowledge that can be exchanged Data are the representation forms of information Archival Information System Hardware, software, and people who are responsible for the acquisition, preservation, and dissemination of the information 2/17/2019

29 OAIS is not an implementation plan
OAIS is not an implementation plan. Implementation is based on the concepts in the reference model. 2/17/2019

30 OAIS Role Assumes information is produced outside of the archives and is intended for delivery to users who are outside the system Describes functions of a long-term archive Distinguishes content management from content production and development 2/17/2019

31 Just as a vocabulary for discussing content production has taken root
Digitization Graphics design Markup language User interface design Usability Accessibility Layout Development 2/17/2019

32 So we need a common vocabulary for discussing the archival
Librarians/archivists and content producers will need to be able to communicate more effectively about content than they have in the past To facilitate this OAIS offers definitions 2/17/2019

33 Functions of the Archive
Accessioning of information content Storage Data Management Access Preservation Planning Administration 2/17/2019

34 OAIS Definition for “Information”
Information always expressed or represented by a data type Data yields information Interpreted using Yields Data Object Representation Information Information Object 2/17/2019

35 Provides information to
Primary roles in OAIS Reference Model Provides information to be preserved Sets overall OAIS policy and Manages content Producer Consumer Archive Seeks and acquires Preserved information 2/17/2019

36 Information Package Definition
Content Information Preservation Information 2/17/2019

37 Information package Submission Information package SIP Archival
AIP Dissemination Information package DIP 2/17/2019

38 Content Information The information that is the original target of preservation This may not be obvious and may require negotiation with producer 2/17/2019

39 Preservation Description Information (PDI): 1
Reference Information Identifiers by which content information may be uniquely identified Provenance Information Description of the source of the Content Information, who has had custody, its history 2/17/2019

40 Preservation Description Information (PDI): 2
Context Information Describes how the Content Information relates to other information outside the Information Package Fixity Information Protects the Content Information from undocumented alteration 2/17/2019

41 Examples of PDI Reference Provenance Context Fixity
Bibliographic description, persistent Ids (URN, PURL) Provenance Metadata on preservation process Context Pointers to related collections Fixity Digital signature, check sum 2/17/2019

42 Submission Information Package
Negotiated between Producer and OAIS Sent to OAIS by Producer Consists of metadata and additional information about the producers content 2/17/2019

43 Archival Information Package
Information Package used for preservation Holds complete set of Preservation Description Information for the Content Information 2/17/2019

44 Dissemination Services
U M E R Metadata registry Workbench tools Access control Security A R C H I V E 2/17/2019

45 Producers must identify content for long term preservation
and negotiate agreement for ingestion and dissemination M E T A D Producers Audio Video Text Still Images OAIS Decision Temp -local -shared 2/17/2019

46 President Faulkner did not say…
That we would make some content available one day, then other content the next Or that we would simply make the most currently digitized or produced content available 2/17/2019

47 Library as metaphor Libraries don’t produce books or journals or Computer Science Technical Reports - but they serve as the repository for those materials The Library represents a broad array shared systems - systems shared by faculty, students, staff and public 2/17/2019

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