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EU Water Initiative Research Component
International RTD Cooperation EU Water Initiative Research Component European Commission, DG RTD-E5
EU Water Initiative - A Quick Overview Components
Johannesburg and Water related MDGs Geographical Components and Thematic AFRICA (sub-Saharan) EECCA MEDITERRANEAN (North Africa & Middle East) LATIN AMERICA others to follow... Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM...including transboundary resources) Horizontal Financing Research Monitoring
Existing RTD foundations in support of the EU Water Initiative
+ The EU Water Initiative recognises that innovation and better knowledge management is central to the achievement of the water related MDGs + Europe is active in this area; international water research maintains a high policy profile at Community and EU Member States level +/- Wealth of European knowledge but scope for more co-ordination between the various international water research and scientific co-operation programmes +/- Strategic approaches differ and so does impact: There is a diversity of strategic approaches and forms of international co-operation in water research +/- Focus in all EU Water Initiative key sectors; but multidisciplinary approaches need to be reinforced
Which factors shall influence vulnerability of global water resources to environmental change in 10, 20, years from now.. Security Environment and Natural Resources Economy Globalisation ? ? ? Irrespective of the degree of leadership on current or future knowledge, the notion of ‘critical mass’ refers to global capacity and partnerships
Objectives and Expected Results of the Research Component
International RTD Cooperation Objectives and Expected Results of the Research Component Co-ordination, coherence and complementarity of European efforts to enhance IMPACT of co-operation in water research for Developing Countries Critical mass and strategic partnerships Feedback mechanisms for joint research policy and implementation review based on lessons learnt and good practices Integrated research approaches for strategic water management sectors Awareness, proactive stakeholders’ participation, development of human resources and better knowledge and innovation management in developing countries Integrating further and synchronising research with development co-operation efforts !!!! PERFORMANCE INDICATOR !!! TIMELY AND EFFECTIVE TRANSFER OF THE CO-ORDINATION PROCESS AT LOCAL LEVEL (REGIONAL AND NATIONAL) THE RIGHT BOX EXPLAINS WHAT IS THE EXPECTED CONTRIBUTION OF THE RESEARCH COMPONENT TO THE EU WATER INITIATIVE THE LEFT BOX PROVIDES INDICATION OF FOCAL AREAS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE SCOPE OF THE EU WATER INITIATIVE European Commission, DG RTD-E5
International Research Co-operation 6th Research Framework Programme ( ) EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA (ERA) Within the 6th FP, International Water Research and Scientific Co-operation can be funded both through Specific Actions in support of International Co-operation (INCO) and Thematic Priorities Global Budget International Research INCO 315 mi EURO Thematic Priorities 285 mi EURO Human Resources and Mobility Training for researchers from Partner countries
Indicative topics with relevance to the EU Water Initiative
International Co-operation Developing Countries; Rational Use of Natural Resources - Ecosystem dynamics - Renewable natural resources; Integrated approach to natural and agro-resource use systems - Multiple Demands on Coastal Zones, Food Security Mediterranean; Integrated Management of Limited Water Resources - Water Treatment, re-use and energy implications Western Balkans; Waste water treatment and reuse, treatment of industrial and municipal waste - Use of recycled materials Russia and other NIS (EECCA); Environment and Health Protection Thematic Priority Global Change and Ecosystems Integrated water management at catchment scale; "twinning" partnerships with African and NIS river and transboundary basins. Integrated urban water management; African, Asian and/or South American mega-cities and peri-urban areas. Management of water under scarcity; south-Mediterranean countries. Development of scenarios of water demand and availability at years; SE Mediterranean, Black Sea region and other NIS countries.
Climate Change, Surface and Aquifer Hydrology Water Governance, Policy
Integrated water resources management (at its various levels - river basin, transboundary, urban, rural) is an old concept but still applied practice all over the world recognises complexity, current limitations and need for further input from research and scientific co-operation Programme/Project preparation would need support with regard to state-of-the art knowledge and adaptable good practices within various areas _____________________________________________________________________________ Climate Change, Surface and Aquifer Hydrology Water Governance, Policy and Institutions Ecological Management / Pollution Social Equity And Stakeholders Participation Preparedness for Extreme Events (Drought and Floods) Public and Private Sector Participation Renewable Resources and Energy Strategic allocation between uses/users Irrigation Management, Food Security ….Virtual Water Trade
System Design, Management, Maintenance and Strategic Rehabilitation
Similar Issues for Water Supply and Sanitation _____________________________________________________________________________ System Design, Management, Maintenance and Strategic Rehabilitation Community-based management Peri-Urban Development Household Food and Water Security Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (+ decentralized) Gender Dimensions Quality Control Public Health / Education / Hygiene Water Demand Management, Econ/Fin Cost, Pricing, Tariff Structures Pastoral Areas…. Local Capacity Building, Awareness and Appropriate Technology Implications
A recent example…. River Basins and Organisations (RBOs) in river ‘t-winning’ research co-operation
EUROPE: Spain (Guadalentin River Basin) , UK (Thames), Sweden (Norrstrom), Germany (Neckar), Austria (Mur) and various RBOs in France, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Hungary AFRICA: Namibia (Kuiseb Catchment), South Africa (Western Namaqualand), Botswana (Okavango), Benin (Queme), RBOs in Niger and Senegal MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES: RBOs in Algeria, Morocco, Israel (Nahal Zin Catchment - Negev Desert) EECCA Countries: Uzbekistan (Chirchik/Upper Syrdaria), Kazakhstan (Nura) LATIN AMERICA: Chile (Bio Bio) and RBOs from Mexico and Brasil SE ASIA: RBOs in Indonesia RIVERTWIN: A regional model for Integrated Water Management in Twinned River Basins TWINBAS: Twinning European and third countries river basins for development of integrated water resources management methods WADE: Floodwater Recharge of Alluvial Aquifers in Dryland Environments TWINBASINXN: Promoting Twinning of River Basins for Developing Integrated Water Resources Management Practices
…and some issues for your consideration…
Past and on-going research has a lot to offer in the short and medium term efforts towards the preparation of IWRM plans and improved WatSan approaches There is a multiple of sources of useful knowledge: EC Framework Programmes, EU Member States bilateral/multilateral programmes and private sector Relevant RTD ‘awareness’ exists in developing countries Development planners should consider existing research results during their work; researchers should embrace such challenging invitation by providing support suitable to the planning context; policy makers should facilitate this process The capitalization of added value from innovation and better knowledge management requires a continuous feedback between research and development co-operation Reinforcement of local structures of knowledge generation and management are essential for sustainable development based on local capacity
International RTD Cooperation
A newsletter - Water and Soil Times Edited by the Unit DG RTD.I.3 ‘Water Cycle and Soil Related Issues’ Information on: Projects Call for Proposals Events, International Fora, Policy related research.. To subscribe go to: Or mail to: European Commission, DG RTD-E5
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