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Fig. 4 Bone tissue formation within the Ti-mesh channels.

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1 Fig. 4 Bone tissue formation within the Ti-mesh channels.
Bone tissue formation within the Ti-mesh channels. Thin sections in the mid-sagittal plane stained in Safranin Orange/von Kossa of one animal in the soft + LCP group and the stiff + LCP group, 24 weeks after surgery (A and B); scale bars, 10 mm. (C to H) Magnifications of (A) and (B) show the bone growth through different scaffold channels (Ti struts). The bone growth on the scaffold’s lateral outer surface is marked with a dotted blue arrow [(C), (E), and (F)]. The dashed yellow arrow follows the axial scaffold channel (D). Dashed red arrows follow the direction of the perpendicular channel [(C), (D), (F), and (G)]. Dashed green arrows mark the tilted channels of the scaffold [(C), (D), (E), and (H)]. LaDiCt, lateral, distal, corticalis; MeDiCt, medial distal corticalis (G and H). Scale bars, 500 μm. Anne-Marie Pobloth et al., Sci Transl Med 2018;10:eaam8828 Published by AAAS

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