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Welcome to Back to School Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night
Room 4 Ms. Cardone

2 Routines Do now SSR: 10-15 minutes Reader’s Response journals

3 Vocabulary Wordly Wise: Students will be given vocabulary words each week along with lesson activities and tests. Tests: usually bi-weekly and on a Wednesday.

4 Book Reports The students may choose their own book.
One marking period will be a non-fiction book.

5 Writing We will focus on Literary Analysis, Research Simulation, Narrative, and creative writing 6 +1 Writing Traits will be reinforced throughout the year. Notice and Note will be introduced for fiction and non-fiction.

6 Speaking The students will be utilizing PVLEGS to practice speaking in front of other. This will culminate in a speech assignment during the fourth marking period. Poise, voice, life, eye contact, gestures, speed.

7 Grading Policy Homework = 20% Tests/Quizzes = 50%
Participation/Class work = 30% 80-89 x

8 Extra Help Extra help is offered to all students. They will need to check with me to be sure I do not have a meeting. Late bus information was sent home last week.

9 Absence Policy is the best way to get in touch with me for the work. One extra day will be given to make up work for every day of school that is missed. (Of course, I consider all circumstances.) Call Guidance if your child will be out for an extended time to have work gathered. Get doctor’s notes for absences.

10 Thank you for coming and I look forward to a successful year!!!

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