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Puebla and Tlaxaca, Mexico, 5-12 December 2017 Kamil Mamak

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Presentation on theme: "Puebla and Tlaxaca, Mexico, 5-12 December 2017 Kamil Mamak"— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadcasts for prison's interior radio – new method of teaching in Law Clinics
Puebla and Tlaxaca, Mexico, 5-12 December 2017 Kamil Mamak PhD candidate, Jagiellonian University Law Clinic

2 Jagiellonian University Law Clinic The type of cases
Plan of presentation Introduction Jagiellonian University Law Clinic The type of cases Broadcasts for prison's interior radio Formalities Preparation of the broadcast Feedback from prison

3 Jagiellonian University Law Clinic
The oldest law clinic in Poland Established in 1997 5 sections: Criminal Law Section Civil Law Section Human Rights Law Section Labour Law Section Medical Law Section

4 3rd – 5th November 2017 r., Jagiellonian University, Kraków
XXVIII Conference of Academic Legal Clinics "20 years of Academic Legal Clinics in Poland - achievements, future goals and development opportunities" 3rd – 5th November 2017 r., Jagiellonian University, Kraków

5 Jagiellonian University Law Clinic
2016/2017 statistics: 49 students 29 tutors 518 cases Criminal Law Section: 9 students 3 tutors 101 cases

6 The type of cases Prisoners: penitentiary motions eg.: conditional release, pardon, break in the penalty, cumulative sentence. Non-prisoners: abstract questions, motions in ongoing cases, law guidelines for witnesses students: disciplinary proceedings

7 Broadcasts for prison's interior radio

8 Formalities consent of the prison director letter to the client
setting the recording time acquainting students with the procedures in prison

9 Preparation of the broadcast
choice of students number of students - at least 2 preparation of the recording in writing simulation of the recording at the seminar

10 Feedback from prison praise from clients
the prisoners demanded that the recording be played several times better quality of letters sent request for further recordings

11 Thank you for your attention

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