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21. USA in the period of the Cold War

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2 21. USA in the period of the Cold War
Autor: Mgr. Kateřina Řeřichová Škola: Gymnázium J. V. Jirsíka, Fr. Šrámka 23, České Budějovice Předmět: anglický jazyk Datum vytvoření: Cílová skupina: 3. – 4. ročník čtyřletého typu studia a odpovídající ročníky víceletých typů studia Typ hodiny: výklad s procvičením Popis: prezentace o USA v době studené války – válka v Koreji, Kubánská krize, válka ve Vietnamu, aféra Watergate , procvičení učiva

3 What was the Cold War? The term is used to describe the relationship between the USA and the Soviet Union 1945 to 1980 Their “friendship” during WW II was based on fighting a mutual enemy – Nazi Germany After WW II – distrustful to each other Autor: San Jose, CC BY-SA,

4 World map of cold war, 1980 PD,

5 What was the Cold War? Cold War = race in production of weapons of mass destruction, space race None of the sides ever fought the other – the results would have been appalling Both sides fought for their beliefs using other states fighting on their behalf Autor: Atomicsteve, CC BY-SA,

6 Differences between the USA and the USSR after WW II
No elections or fixed Autocratic / dictatorship Communist Everybody helps everybody Poor economic base Society controlled by the secret police Total censorship USA Free elections Democratic Capitalist Survival of the best Richest world economy Personal freedom Freedom of the media

7 Korean War (1950 – 1953) After WW II – Korea divided in two parts at 38th parallel North Korea – taken by the USSR – People`s Democratic Republic – communist regime South Korea – taken by the USA – Republic of Korea – capitalist regime 1950 – the North attacked the South The UN – sent troops there to protect the South (15 nations sent troops) End of the war – halting of communist expansion in south-east Asia

8 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 In 1950s – Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista
Cuba was pro-American – Havana became the centre of gambling – Americans came there for the weekend 1959 – Cuban rebels lead by Fidel Castro overthrew Batista`s government Nationalization of American firms, national health system and education free of charge PD,

9 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 The USA put Cuba under an embargo – no trade with Cuba was done The USSR started buying sugar and other exports New American president J. F. Kennedy supported anti-Castro Cubans – with help of CIA they landed at the Bay of Pigs to overthrow the Castro government – no success PD,

10 Bay of Pigs

11 Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Reaction – close co-operation between Cuba and the USSR October the USSR built bases on Cuba – put there missiles President Kennedy and the Russian leader Khrushchev – came to an agreement The USSR removed the missiles, the USA ended the embargo and promised there would be no invasion to Cuba PD,

12 USA in Vietnam War (1964 – 1973) In 1950s – “Domino theory” in the US – if a country is allowed to fall to communism, the country next to it will follow as they are connected as dominos The USA wanted to stop spreading communism Vietnam was divided into two parts – North Vietnam (called Vietcong) supported by communist countries and South Vietnam PD,

13 USA in Vietnam War (1964 – 1973) The USA had sent to Vietnam “special advisors” since 1955 1965 – 1969 – American troops in Vietnam – not professionals – young soldiers used to conventional war Vietcong – well-trained in guerilla war Many innocent civilians killed by both sides PD,

14 PD,

15 USA in Vietnam War (1964 – 1973) Protests against the Vietnam War - students, black Americans, hippie movement 1969 – President Nixon – agreed to reduce number of American troops in Vietnam 1973 – America`s involvement in Vietnam finished It cost 1 billion dollars, more than 7 million tons of bombs were dropped 1975 – Vietnam was united after the defeat of the South by the North PD,

16 Protest against the Vietnam War in Washington , 1971
Autor: Leena Krohn, CC BY-SA,

17 Watergate affair, 1972 17th June 1972 – several burglars arrested in Watergate Complex (Democratic Party headquarters) in Washington D.C. They tried to tap phones and steal secret documents Connected to re-election campaign of President Richard Nixon – had to resign PD,

18 End of the Cold War Mikhail Gorbachev – President of the USSR in 1985 – introduced “perestroika” and “glasnost “ Dec 1989 – Gorbachev and G. W. Bush declared the Cold War was over at Malta Summit 1989 – East European states broke away – Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland… Dissolution of the USSR – 1991 PD,

19 Answer the questions Name the main Cold War conflicts .
2. What did the conflicts have in common? 3. What were the differences between the West and the East? 4. What was the Watergate affair about? 5. How did the Cold War finish?

20 Thank you for your attention

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