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Warm Up Where was the Empire of Mali? Who led the Mali Empire?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Where was the Empire of Mali? Who led the Mali Empire?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Where was the Empire of Mali? Who led the Mali Empire?
What religion were most of the people in Mali? How were farmers viewed in Mali? What were some other groups in Mali? What’s another name for a king in Mali? BONUS: What regions does modern day Mali cover?

2 Warm Up Where was the Empire of Mali? (p. 1)
Who led the Mali Empire? (p. 2) What religion were most of the people in Mali? (p. 2) How were farmers viewed in Mali? (p. 3) What were some other groups in Mali? (p. 3) What’s another name for a king in Mali? (p. 4) BONUS: What regions does modern day Mali cover? (p. 1)

3 The Empire of Mali

4 Rise of Mali Conquered Ghana Timbuktu Crops Expanded even larger
Capital Trading city Universities Crops Cotton Food


6 Influence of Islam People became Muslims Wrote in Arabic
Hajj Wrote in Arabic Studied Qu’ran United communities

7 Mansa Musa Most Famous King Devoted Muslim Expanded empire
“richest man ever” Devoted Muslim Believed in freedom of religion Expanded empire Brought in Architects and Scholars from other countries Hired poets and artists from other countries

8 Pilgrimage to Mecca Mansa Musa went on Hajj
Brought hundreds of pounds of gold Impressed all countries they passed through Refused to bow to other leaders Wanted to trade with Mali

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