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Title of Poster (Teaser template)

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1 Title of Poster (Teaser template)
2019 International ESD Workshop Title of Poster (Teaser template) Authors’ names (underline presenting author) Affiliations NO presenter photo here for teaser. On poster only! Companies logos go here (and NOT on other slides!)

2 Purpose Mandatory slide
Here you write the purpose/motivation for this work

3 My Teaser Slides Shortly introduce your work (technical content)
Attract interest, pose questions Details will be discussed at the poster session Maximum 5 slides total 1 title slide 1 purpose slide Up to 3 technical / teaser slides

4 Purpose of Teaser Presentation
Purpose of the teaser presentation: It is an advertisement and introduction of your work. It should generate interest to discuss your work during the poster session. It is limited to a short presentation  6 minutes maximum! No Q&A after teaser presentation  discussion at the poster. Highlight, don‘t detail. E.g. pose questions to the audience and discuss answers afterwards at the poster session.

5 General Guidelines Use PowerPoint 2007 (or later version).
Macintosh PowerPoint is allowed, but extra precautions should be taken to ensure compatibility with Windows PowerPoint. The author is responsible that Mac PowerPoint presentations will work on Windows  please verify! Same font rules as the poster: Use 28-36pt fonts for the title on top of each slide. Use 24pt fonts for content (or 22pt for 2nd level bullets). Make sure figures and graphs also use 22pt or larger font for axis and labels! Use sans-serif fonts like Arial (better for slides, presentations)

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