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Spain 16.1.

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1 Spain 16.1

2 Spain 1500s Spain emerged as the 1st modern European Power
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had unified the country and commanded conquest of the Americas

3 Charles V Charles I Heir to three thrones
Hapsburg Monarchy Included the Holy Roman Empire Netherlands Castile & Aragon When he inherited these lands he took the name Charles V Faced with constant warfare Protestantism in Germany Ottoman Empire

4 Dividing the Empire Charles V abdicated the throne and entered a monastery in 1556 He divided his empire between his brother and son Hapsburg to Ferdinand Became Holy Roman Empire Spain, Netherland, Southern Italian states, and Spain’s overseas colonies to his son, Phillip II

5 Phillip II Ruled Spain for 42 years Ruled as absolute monarch
Asserted that he had divine right Saw himself as the guardian of the Roman Catholic Church

6 Defending the Catholic Church
Phillip II fought many battles to advance Spanish Catholic power Fought Protestant rebels in the Netherlands In the 1560s riots broke out opposing the Inquisition 1581 Northern Netherlands declared their independence from Spain and became known as the Dutch Netherlands 1571 Battle of Lepanto Spain & Italy defeated an Ottoman fleet signifying Spanish power

7 Spanish Armada

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