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Unit 1 – Intro to Earth Science Section 1 – Branches of Earth Science

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1 – Intro to Earth Science Section 1 – Branches of Earth Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1 – Intro to Earth Science Section 1 – Branches of Earth Science
Earth Science – Mr. Margetan

2 What is Earth Science? Earth Science – The study of the Earth and the surrounding universe Four Branches of Earth Science Geology – The Solid Earth Oceanography – The Earth’s Oceans Meteorology – The Earth’s Atmosphere Astronomy – Space and the Universe

3 Critical Thinking #1 Explain how scientists divide Earth Science into four separate branches.

4 Geology Geology – The study of the origin, history, and structure of the solid Earth Plate Tectonics Volcanoes & Earthquakes Rocks and Minerals

5 Critical Thinking #2 Describe one way scientists study the solid Earth and explain how it benefits society.

6 Oceanography Oceanography – The study of the Earth’s oceans
The Ocean Floor Properties of Water Currents, Waves, and Tides

7 Critical Thinking #3 Describe one way scientists study the Earth’s oceans and explain how it benefits society.

8 Meteorology Meteorology – The study of the Earth’s atmosphere
Solar Radiation in the Atmosphere Wind, Clouds, and Precipitation Forecasting Weather

9 Critical Thinking #4 Describe one way scientists study the Earth’s atmosphere and explain how it benefits society.

10 Astronomy Astronomy – The study of the universe beyond the Earth
Structure of the Universe Our Solar System Our Moon

11 Critical Thinking #5 Describe one way scientists study the universe beyond Earth and explain how it benefits society.

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