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Topic 2d – The Progressives

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1 Topic 2d – The Progressives
Objectives: Explain why Americans changed their attitude toward the role of government in their lives during the industrial era. List and describe the various actions Progressives took to achieve change in American society Relevance: Today’s relevance comes in the form of a question, why is government important in my life today? What do the actions of the past show me why having government is important today?

2 What we know… There was a huge divide between the lifestyle of the wealthy industrialists and the common working class American. The cities that developed in the 1800s were dangerous, unhealthy, and struck with poverty. Workers worked upwards of 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, for very low pay. Food was unsanitary, low-income housing was built improperly, trash accumulated on the streets, the workplace was generally unsafe, etc.

3 What we know… The wealthy’s lifestyle was opposite of those in the cities. They lived in suburbs and had all modern amenities. Industrialists kept wages low to ensure maximum profits (some treated business like it was a game). Industrialists would use ruthless tactics to put competitors out of business. Industrialists would use their wealth to influence the government to legislate on their behalf.

4 Progressive A person who advocates reforms to confront the problems caused by industrialization and urbanization. Progressives looked to government to solve problems. A well run government could protect interest and restore order.

5 Why the Progressives? More Americans (middle class) went to college and could recognize problems. It was natural for people to control and change their social environment for their own benefit Using laws, customs, and relationships among people. “The day has come for society to take affairs into its own hands and shape its own destinies.” – Lester Ward Explain why Americans changed their attitude toward the role of government in their lives during the industrial era.

6 How did we fix our problems?
Progressives thought the Government was to shape the new society for everyone’s benefit. Example: If tenements were bad, the government should pass laws, spend money, or do whatever it takes to improve housing. “The true function of government, is not to fetter, but to liberate the forces of society, not to diminish but to increase their effectiveness. “ – Lester Ward Make a list of things you think your government should provide for you as an American citizen. Why do you think the government should provide you with these things?

7 Types of Progressives Muckrackers Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair
Wrote extensively on the ruthless tactics of Standard Oil. This tries to get the government to regulate (control or supervise) business Upton Sinclair Wrote The Jungle Exposed the horrifying food handling process in the meat packing industry. Led to the creation of the FDA (food and drug administration) Explain why Americans changed their attitude toward the role of government in their lives during the industrial era.

8 Types of Progressives Activists Women African Americans
Battled against child labor Fought for woman suffrage Settlement houses Jane Addams’ Hull House Education and social services for the poor African Americans “Our job was to learn all we could.” – Ida B. Wells Fought against lynching Used writing to help bring about awareness of racism Writing triggers the founding of the NAACP Explain why Americans changed their attitude toward the role of government in their lives during the industrial era.

9 Types of Progressives Labor Unions Problems for the 99% Pay cuts
Long hours Usually a 12 hour minimum 24 hour shifts common African Americans, immigrants, and women paid less than white men Children working rather than going to school Unsafe workplaces No warning signs Physical exhaustion in dangerous working conditions No insurance if hurt at work Pay cuts Despite company posting record profits Low level of social mobility Punishment For any form of complaining or organizing into unions For not following all rules (write down some examples) Monopoly One business in charge of an entire industry Standard Oil Allowed for control of workers, “you don’t like it here? You’re free to leave.” Eliminated competition. Blacklisting If a worker causes trouble, they won’t get hired ANYWHERE else if they are on the list. Explain why Americans changed their attitude toward the role of government in their lives during the industrial era.

10 Types of Progressives Labor Unions Major demands Methods (define each)
8-10 hour workday Equal pay for men and women Preventing unjustified wage cuts Safer working conditions Higher pay for grueling work, proportionate to the companies success Solving all of the problems on the previous page!!! Methods (define each) Striking Protesting Boycotting

11 Conclude Explain why Americans changed their attitude toward the role of government in their lives during the industrial era. List and describe the various actions Progressives took to achieve change in American society

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