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The Migrant Experience in California

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1 The Migrant Experience in California

2 Why did people come to California after World War I ?
Hard economic times—Great Depression Farmers losing their farms 30% unemployment rate 7 year drought began Dust storms Midwest became the Dust Bowl

3 What Was So Attractive About California?
Mild climate–long growing season Image of the “promised land” US Highway 66-“Route 66” Advertised for farm workers

4 Who were the Okies? Migrants from any state were called “Okies”
Just 20% were from Oklahoma Most were from Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Missouri Had shared heritage of Anglo-Saxon roots, simple upbringing, and conservative values

5 Mexican Migrant Workers
Had been in California before the Okies Experienced discrimination As non-Anglos As migrant workers As Spanish speaking immigrants Important part of agricultural production in California

6 Universal Human Experiences
Trauma of moving away from one’s roots Tension among people of different backgrounds Moving often to find new work

7 Migratory Labor Camps “The Migratory Labor Camps, set up under the Farm Security Administration in 1937, have won a real victory over the forces of stupidity and wrath that made the Valley a sink-hole of farm labor exploitation since the days of the first irrigating ditch.”

8 Life in Migrant Camps Federal camps helped with poor sanitation and unhealthy living conditions Rekindled a sense of community Camps were governed by migrants Had recreational activities

9 A Song of Migrant Workers
“Sunny Cal” by Jack Bryant, a folk song about the migrant experience. Click on speaker symbol to hear the song.

10 Sources All photographs are from the American Memory Collection of the Library of Congress The information is from the article, The Migrant Experience

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