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International Trade Practicalities and Business Law

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1 International Trade Practicalities and Business Law
Project Work Eeva Aarnio Christina Karlia-Palomäki Satu Pitkänen                  Source of Picture:

2 International Sales Contract
The target is to create an international sale contract You can use the ICC Model International Sale Contract as a guide Each group chooses a Finnish company. You can use the same company you have used in previous courses.  The idea is that the company exports goods to one of these countries: England, Germany, France, Great Britain, China, Saudi-Arabia, Russia or the USA You can benefit from the knowledge of your home countries

3 Instructions Groups consist of six students
Three of them are sellers and three buyers (exchange students divided into each group) The groups negotiate and create the contract The idea is to learn the different practical aspects of international sales contract during the course and to apply the knowledge to the contract Describe the starting situation of the companies in the negotiations: E.g. is the contract a new one, is the client new, what is the aim of the negotiations and what are the contractual targets of the parties With the information above make a call for an offer and make an offer. This is to start the negotiations, e.g. you specify the product and the price. You use this procedure as a tool to start negotiating about the terms of the contract with the partner. 

4 The Contents of the Contract
The basic content of the contract includes: The choice of law Risks, Liability Performance, Terms of the Contract, Breaches of Law Shipment and Delivery Conditions Time of delivery Payment Conditions Documents Intellectual Property Rights Dispute resolution

5 Results of the Project 1. A written sales contract
2. Give justifications to your choices in an attachment in which you describe the results and reflect them to the starting point (a separate word document attached to the contract) 3. Make a poster A3 size and return it as a pdf-file to Moodle All results have to be returned to Moodle by impl. 2: 6 th May impl. 1: 6th May impl. 3: 16th May Be prepared to present your poster in the end of the course Give a 10 minutes presentation Give your justifications to your choices More instructions later on 

6 Evaluation The project work will be graded 1-5
The grade is 50% of the total grade (exam 50%) Late returns decrease the grade. No returns after the end of the course!

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