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ARTHROSYNDESMOLOGY is the science of bone articulations.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTHROSYNDESMOLOGY is the science of bone articulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTHROSYNDESMOLOGY is the science of bone articulations

2 Articulations Symphyses, or hemiarthroses Solid Synovial
(uninterrupted, continious) joints, or synarthroses Synovial (interrupted, uncontinious) joints, or diarthroses

3 Synarthroses Fibrous joints (syndesmoses) Osseous joints (synostoses)
Cartilaginous joints (synchondroses)

4 Fibrous joints (syndesmoses) Ligaments Membranes Sutures Gomphoses





9 Sutures Serrate Squamous Plane

10 Serrate sutures

11 Squamous sutures

12 Plane sutures


14 Fontanels


16 Cartilaginous joints (synchondroses) Temporary

17 Cartilaginous joints (synchondroses) Permanent

18 Osseous joints (synostoses)


20 Synovial joints (diarthroses)
Articular surfaces Articular (joint) cavity Articular (joint) capsule

21 Movements Frontal axis Sagittal axis Vertical axis Flexion Extension
Abduction Sagittal axis Adduction Pronation Vertical axis Supination

22 Synovial joints (diarthroses)
Simple Compound Complex Combined

23 Shoulder joint

24 Elbow joint

25 Knee joint Meniscus

26 Temporomandibular joint


28 Synovial joints (diarthroses)
Uni-axial Multi-axial Bi-axial

29 Uni-axial joints Pivot (trochoid)

30 Uni-axial joints Hinge

31 Bi-axial joints Ellipsoid

32 Bi-axial joints Condyloid

33 Bi-axial joints Saddle

34 Multi-axial joints Ball-and-socket

35 Multi-axial joints Plane

36 Ligaments Reinforce the synovial joints Direct the movements
Located perpendicular to the axis of movement Can be intra-articular (intrinsic) or extra-articular (extrinsic)

37 Articular labra

38 Articular bursae

39 Plan of description of the synovial joints
Name of articular surfaces Classification according to the number of articular surfaces The joint features (bursae, labrae, discs etc) Classification according to the number of the articular surfaces and number of axis of movements 5. Movements at the joint 6. Ligaments of the joint (names, attachment)

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