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School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)

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1 School Accountability Report Cards (SARC)
Millbrae Elementary School District Regular Board Meeting November 15, 2016

2 What is a SARC? State and Federal laws require all public schools receiving state and federal funding to prepare and distribute a SARC. The purpose of the SARC is to provide parents and community with important information.

3 What Information does a SARC Contain?
Background information about the school and its students Demographic School Safety and Climate Academic Data Class Sizes Teacher and Staff Information Curriculum Facilities Conditions

4 About the SARC Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all districts are required to prepare a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Includes: Annual Goals for all students State Priorities

5 State Priorities in the SARC
Priority 1 Access to Standards-aligned curriculum Credentialed Teachers Maintained School Facilities Priority 3 Parental Involvement Priority 4 Pupil Achievement Priority 6 School Climate

6 How Often must a SARC be Updated?
School report cards must be updated annually and published by February 1 Principals review and update the SARC for their school starting in October Millbrae ESD works with Document Tracking Services to complete the mandated requirement

7 Updating the SARC Document Tracking Services (DTS) sends a ‘SARC Input Form’ to principals to review and complete (Narratives) DTS inputs student enrollment data and pupil achievement results on CAASPP disaggregated by significant subgroups English Language Arts Mathematics Physical Fitness

8 Updating the SARC Once all information has been reviewed and approved, DTS will: submit the SARCs to the CA Department of Education (CDE) translate any SARC for our primary languages other than English

9 How can a Parent Obtain a SARC?
On the internet: CA Department of Education School or District Website Contact the school for a hard copy

10 Questions? Thank you!

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