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“The Truth Concerning Labor (Work)!”

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1 “The Truth Concerning Labor (Work)!”
Truth Matters “The Truth Concerning Labor (Work)!” Genesis 3:17-19

2 Remember the comic strip “Mary Worth”
Remember the comic strip “Mary Worth”? She’s was the older lady who had advice to offer to just about anyone whether they wanted it or not…

3 In many circles today the honorable person is no longer the one with a work ethic; instead, it’s the person who figures how to get by without working (i.e. having someone provide for them)…

4 to better understand the biblical truth concerning work
Purpose: to better understand the biblical truth concerning work

5 I The GOD Dimension of Work

6 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

7 I The GOD Dimension of Work
A. Our Work Must Glorify God as CREATOR

8 John 5:17 “But He answered them, ‘My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working.’”

9 I The GOD Dimension of Work
A. Our Work Must Glorify God as CREATOR B. Our Work Must Glorify God as REDEEMER

10 Colossians 3:23 “Work as to the Lord…”

11 II The NEIGHBOR Dimension of Work

12 “…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:39 “…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

13 II The NEIGHBOR Dimension of Work
A. We DEPEND Upon Each Other

14 Depending on each other involves work ethic… Work is much more than “earning a living”…

15 II The NEIGHBOR Dimension of Work
A. We DEPEND Upon Each Other B. Refusing to Work is SIN C. Jobs Are Truly MEANING- FUL

16 Reader’s Digest (Jan., 1980, p 74) had an article about vascular surgeon Dr. Joe Hill. According to this article, only such a glorious/dramatic work is useful – “Joe Hill is a man with opportunity rare nowadays. He gets to do useful things…”

17 III The SELF Dimension of Work
A. Work is Not a CURSE

18 Contrary to what the world tells us, there is a holy connection between working and living…

19 III The SELF Dimension of Work
A. Work is Not a CURSE B. Work is Our Means of SELF- EXPRESSION

20 Author and theologian John Stott writes of work: “…Without work we are not fully human. If we are idle instead of busy or destructive instead of creative we deny our humanity and forfeit our self-fulfillment.”

21 Post-it Notes were not a planned product
Post-it Notes were not a planned product. No one got the idea and then stayed up nights to invent it…

22 Conclusion and Summary:
When we put work in its total perspective, seeing and understanding its three dimensions; it becomes a source of joy and fulfillment. In short a JOY and not just a JOB. It becomes what God intended it to be:…

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