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Basis of Estimates & Preparation of the Proposal Summary of Quantities BT-05-0116
Melissa Hollis Engineering Systems Support State Specifications and Estimates Office May 2007
Objective This course will provide District and consultant designers with tools and instructions for preparing the Proposal Summary of Quantities for inclusion in the plans package.
Outline 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (LRE and TRNS*PORT modules)
2. Basis of Estimates overview 3. Pay item structure 4. Coordination of pay items, specifications, standards and other contract documents I’ll return to this outline each time we move to a new section, so that you can follow along with where we are in the presentation. There are 8 items on our list today. The first 4 are: 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (what are the tools available) 2. Pay Item Structure (understanding the pay item numbers and variables) 3. Coordination of pay Items, specifications, standards, and other contract documents (how they work together) 4. Basis of Estimates Overview (how to select and use the items, how/when changes are made)
Outline, continued 15 Minute BREAK
5. Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface 6. Using standard reports 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions Break- don’t be late… 5. Webgate, including Designer Interface (Loading items for a project, reviewing edit reports, and project/proposal summaries for the plans.) 6. Using standard reports (available tools) 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions, including “who to contact” information
Outline, continued This course is NOT
FDOT Estimating (Official Estimate) CADD Quantities Manager Comp Book Preparation Lets get started…
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
PSE Package Plans, Specs, Estimates Estimate Pay Items Quantities Prices Note: Just as with plans, there are early estimates (LRE), phase estimates (Work Program), and the final bid package or “official” estimate
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
Tools Available: LRE: Long Range Estimates WebGate Designer Interface TRNS*PORT Reports TRNS*PORT PES (FDOT Only) TRNS*PORT CES (FDOT Only) MRE/STARS: Custom Reports (FDOT Only) Passwords and Security
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
LRE: Long Range Estimates Develop a budget estimate Before plans/quantities are available Based on typical section(s) and length. Historical prices Assumed/average values Type of project Refined as scope is updated. LS Projects until letting From LRE Handbook: LRE is a conceptual estimate, prepared before design plans and quantities are available. The system uses project-specific design characteristics to calculate quantities, and draws unit prices from an extensive database of FDOT historical bid prices. The design characteristics may be either assumed values that are considered to be “average” conditions for that type of project, or they may be the actual characteristics of the project if that information is known at the time the estimate is performed. In some districts, maintaining projects in the LRE program is the responsibility of the Project Manager, with data input by the Designer. In other districts, the Project Manager informs the District Estimates Staff, who update the projects. Either way, the LRE budge total must be coordinated with the Work Program Office, so that funds are budgeted based on the latest available scope information. A full-day course is offered to cover the use of the LRE program. Contact your District Estimates Office to request this training.
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
WebGate OIS Tool RACF password to enter Access to multiple programs More details on these programs as we get to item 5 on the outline
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
Designer Interface Tool used by FDOT and Consultant Designers For loading items and quantities into TRNS*PORT, by category More details later in the training… TRNS*PORT CATEGORY: Design Group (Structures, Roadway, Signing, Lighting, etc.) CATEGORY = DESIGN GROUP
TRNS*PORT Overview & graphic
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
TRNS*PORT Reports Project Edit Report Project Summary of Quantities Proposal Summary of Quantities Master Pay Item List Item Average Unit Cost
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
TRNS*PORT PES (Proposal and Estimates System) Used by FDOT Estimators Project Proposal Contract
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
QUESTION: What is the difference between a project, proposal, and contract?
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
Answer Project: Single FPID number Proposal: One or more projects, combined under one number, for letting purposes Contract: Proposal after award
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
TRNS*PORT PES (Proposal and Estimates System) Header Information from FM Items & Quantities from Designer Interface Items combine or “roll-up” for pricing
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
TRNS*PORT CES (Cost Estimation System) Used by FDOT Estimators Uses regression models Work Type Market Area Season Price items based on quantities
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
MRE/STARS: Custom Reports FDOT Tool for special searches Extensive historical data Category totals over extended dates Industry Searches Large Trends MRE= Managed Reporting Environment STARS: State Transportation Ad-Hoc Reporting System (aka Dashboard) Legislative Requests Management Requests Industry Requests Large Trends For item price searches, please use the tools available on the TRNS*PORT REPORTS menu. NOT to be “abused” for price searches $10.39/lf or $10.42/lf ? Use CES or the web reports
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
Passwords and Security WebGate, LRE, Designer Interface, Reports: RACF or Mainframe UserID/password CITRIX (access to TRNS*PORT modules): Windows or FDOT Network UserID/password TRNS*PORT Modules- PES, CES, etc: TRNS*PORT UserID/password Lotus Notes / Outlook Others- Contact Database, Web publishing Contact your FDOT Project Manager to reset the mainframe password. (Takes about 5-10 minutes to complete) Tools to meet almost every need: Long Range (conceptual) or Production (Item Specific) Input (Interface) and Output (Reports) Pricing and Cost trends
1. Overview of Estimating Systems
Summary LRE: Long Range Estimates WebGate Designer Interface TRNS*PORT Reports TRNS*PORT PES TRNS*PORT CES MRE/STARS: Custom Reports Tools to meet almost every need: Long Range (conceptual) or Production (Item Specific) Input (Interface) and Output (Reports) Pricing and Cost trends
Outline 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (LRE and TRNS*PORT modules)
2. Basis of Estimates overview 3. Pay item structure 4. Coordination of pay items, specifications, standards and other contract documents 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (what are the tools available) 2. Pay Item Structure (understanding the pay item numbers and variables) 3. Coordination of pay Items, specifications, standards, and other contract documents (how they work together) 4. Basis of Estimates Overview (how to select and use the items, how/when changes are made)
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Online document Updated semi-annually General Information (Chapters 1-10) Pay Item Information (11-20) Appendices
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Online Document NOT a contract document For reference purposes only design estimates construction Print only the pages needed Design: Assists with when to use/not to use an item References specifications (indirectly through item number; directly as needed) References standards, as applicable References form(s) to consider for documentation Estimates: Summarizes method of measurement & basis of payment, from specifications Construction: Assists with final documentation
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Updated Semi-annually Major changes implemented with the January and July lettings Cover letter may be replaced/complimented by Estimates Bulletins Minor changes published as needed (details, expanded options, etc.)
2. Basis of Estimates overview
General Information Chapter 1: Updates & Registration Contact Database Chapter 2: Units of Measure Chapter 3: Alphabetical List General Starting point to identify section Use search within known section Chapter 4: blank for future General Information Chapter 1: Updates & Registration Contact Database Chapter 2: Units of Measure Chapter 3: Alphabetical List General Starting point to identify section Use search within known section Chapter 4: blank for future (QA Checklist?) STOP. Select volunteer to register
2. Basis of Estimates overview
General Information Chapter 5: Contact Lists C-Team District Coordinators Responsible Office, by pay item range Chapter 6: Pay Items New/Open Requests … more later in this presentation Chapter 7: Design Aids
2. Basis of Estimates overview
General Information Chapter 8: Forms CADD: CADD Office COMP: Construction Office Chapter 9: TRNS*PORT Designer Web Pages Chapter 10: Formatting Pay Items … more later in this presentation
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 11: 100s Mobilization Maintenance of Traffic Erosion Control Earthwork Stabilization
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 12: 200s Base Courses Optional Base Chapter 13: 300s Milling Asphalt Concrete Pavement
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 14: 400s Structures Drainage Inlets Optional Pipe Edgedrain Structures Foundations
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 15: 500s Movable Bridges Sidewalk Curb & Gutter Walls Guardrail Landscape
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 16: 600s Signals Conduit Cabinets Detectors
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 17: 700s Signing Striping Lighting Architecture ITS
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Chapter 18: 800s Mass Transit (rail) Chapter 19: 900s Special Chapter 20: 1000s Utilities Note: Maintenance Items are not listed in the BOE.
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Pay Item Information Unit, Accuracy, PQ Notes Details Related/Recommended Items Forms Documentation, References Pay Item Structure: 123-ABC-DEF
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Appendices Past Updates/Cover Letters History (Obsolete Structure) Training Info, including this presentation
2. Basis of Estimates overview
Complete file Do not print (500+ pages) Watch for updates & bulletins
Outline 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (LRE and TRNS*PORT modules)
2. Basis of Estimates overview 3. Pay item structure 4. Coordination of pay items, specifications, standards and other contract documents 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (what are the tools available) 2. Pay Item Structure (understanding the pay item numbers and variables) 3. Coordination of pay Items, specifications, standards, and other contract documents (how they work together) 4. Basis of Estimates Overview (how to select and use the items, how/when changes are made)
3. Pay Item Structure Method to the madness… 0123-ABC-DEF
Leading zero required in TRNS*PORT Dashes are provided on input screens Omit leading zero on plans/specs Blank spaces are significant
3. Pay Item Structure 0123-ABC-DEF 123 = Section Number 102: MOT
285: Optional Base 327: Milling 334: Superpave 400: Structures 430: Drainage
3. Pay Item Structure Watch the Section Number: If the specs don’t apply, then likely the pay item doesn’t either 0123-ABC-DEF 123 = Section Number 536: Guardrail 580: Landscape 600s: Signals 710: Paint 715: Lighting 750s: Architectural 780s: ITS
3. Pay Item Structure Method to the madness… 0123-ABC-DEF
Variables used to define Operation (Furnish & Install, remove, relocate, etc) Materials Size Shape
Grouped by similar cost history; special details in specs or plans
3. Pay Item Structure Method to the madness… Too Few Items: specs or plan details to distinguish between items; mixed cost history on each item ? Grouped by similar cost history; special details in specs or plans Too Many items: detailed pay item; limited cost history on each item. Details in specs or standards?
3. Pay Item Structure Method to the madness…
Variables used to define parameters that have a significant effect on the price Ranges used when items have a similar price Consider INSTALLED cost, not only materials.
3. Pay Item Structure Method to the madness… Installed cost=
Materials + Equipment + Labor Unit price on small quantities is normally higher, due to equipment/labor
Price vs Quantity District X District Y $ District Z Quantity
Ideally, looking at historical prices, you would see some type of relationship between the price and quantity. (Small quantities of a given item tend to have larger prices, due to the set-up & clean-up involved: mobilization & demobilization of the sub-contractors) With enough data, you could even look at a particular district to determine a price trend. (Concrete, asphalt, and dirt/rock materials tend to vary by location around the state.) In the example above 15+ “hits” or “Awarded Contract Bid History” data points would be reasonable to get an estimate based on quantity. Quantity
3. Pay Item Structure Method to the madness…
Tech Spec or Special Items may have “extreme” history, based on the project requirements. Use caution when pricing these items.
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Item Number What Specification Section? Synthetic Bales Section 104: Prevention, Control, and Abatement of Erosion and Water Pollution
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Item Number What Specification Section? Superpave Asphaltic Concrete Section 334: Superpave Asphaltic Concrete
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Item Number What Specification Section? Interconnect Cable Section 632: Signal and Interconnect Cable Note: Sections 603 through 699 are for Traffic Control Devices (Signals plans, Signals category)
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Item Number What Specification Section? ITS Dynamic Message Sign Section 781: Intelligent Transportation Systems, Motorist Information Systems Note: Sections 780 through 786 are for ITS work (ITS Plans, ITS Category)
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Work: Conduit What Item/Specification? 630: Signals 715: Lighting 783: ITS 1050: Utilities Choose the item based on work to be performed (plans, category to match); detail quantity by location
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Work: Tree Protection What Item/Specification? 580: Landscape All landscape work is listed in the landscape plans with tabulation sheet, and paid under large/small plants (landscape category) Exception: minor landscaping may be permitted in roadway plans (still landscape category)- PPM Vol 2, ch 26
Quiz: Pay Items and Specifications
Work: Electrical Work What Item/Specification? 508: Movable Bridge 639: Signals 715: Lighting- incidental 750: Architectural 780: ITS- incidental 1050: Utilities- incidental Read the specifications carefully (plans, category to match)
Quiz based on handouts- conduit
Outline 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (LRE and TRNS*PORT modules)
2. Basis of Estimates overview 3. Pay item structure 4. Coordination of pay items, specifications, standards and other contract documents 1. Overview of Estimating Systems (what are the tools available) 2. Pay Item Structure (understanding the pay item numbers and variables) 3. Coordination of pay Items, specifications, standards, and other contract documents (how they work together) 4. Basis of Estimates Overview (how to select and use the items, how/when changes are made)
4. Coordination Watch the Section Number: If the specs don’t apply, then likely the pay item doesn’t either Specifications Description Materials Construction Method of Measurement Basis of Payment
4. Coordination Standards (aka Design Standards, Roadway and Traffic Design Standards, Indexes, Interim standards)
4. Coordination M-Team C-Team
Management team for setting policy; improve communication between design and construction C-Team Coordination for Implementation
4. Coordination C-Team Proposed Changes Roadway Structures
Construction Specifications Estimates Other offices, as needed Proposed Changes Design Standards Specifications FDOT Practice (Guidelines, Handbooks, etc.) Legal Issues
4. Coordination Designer
Ensure that the plans (sheets, standards), specs (special provisions, supplemental specifications, Tech Specs), and pay items agree Any conflicts could result in supplemental agreements.
Outline, continued 15 Minute BREAK
5. Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface 6. Using standard reports 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions 5. Webgate, including Designer Interface (Loading items for a project, reviewing edit reports, and project/proposal summaries for the plans.) 6. Using standard reports (available tools) 7. Requesting/opening new pay items
15 Minute BREAK Please return on-time.
Outline, continued 15 Minute BREAK
5. Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface 6. Using standard reports 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions 5. Webgate, including Designer Interface (Loading items for a project, reviewing edit reports, and project/proposal summaries for the plans.) 6. Using standard reports (available tools) 7. Requesting/opening new pay items
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface Login & Select Project Update Category Load items & Quantities Run Reports
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Login & Select Project RACF UserID & Password NOT Windows id/pw NOT Network id/pw NOT Lotus Notes id/pw Is “Mainframe” or “DOTNET” id/pw 3 “tries” before account is locked Opened / reset by Help desk; contact FDOT Project Manager for assistance
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Login & Select Project Select Designer Interface, if entering from Webgate Select Project from list Contact Project Manager or District Estimator if project is not available to you. Verify Project Header Information STOP if any information is incorrect. Must be updated by Work Program Office. (Refreshed nightly from FM system)
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Update Category Bridges must be entered separately, regardless of type of work to be completed Bridge number is available, upon request, from early design: LRE or before phase 1 For similar bridges, enter common data in first bridge, then copy category for other(s). Update all bridges, as necessary Update remaining categories Delete unused categories
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Load Items and Quantities Refer to BOE for complete pay item structure Verify valid dates Verify usage: details, standards, specs Verify unit of measure REQUEST ITEMS as necessary* *more info in a few moments
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Run Reports Project Edit Report Add items Change letting date After inactive periods Following BOE updates Before any reviews or submittals
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Run Reports Project Summary of Pay Items Early phase reviews Verify project quantities Attached to plans Print from .pdf viewer
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Run Reports Proposal Summary of Quantities After proposal has been created; later phase reviews Verify proposal quantities Items “roll-up” Run by Consultant If Items added/deleted, need to “Generate Section and Line Numbers” from PES (District Estimator) Output viewed on screen or saved to user’s local drive No need to go to ftp site
5. Webgate & Designer Interface
Special Bid Proposals Bid Options Alternates Alternate Scope / Scope Options CONTACT DISTRICT ESTIMATES OFFICE
Outline, continued 15 Minute BREAK
5. Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface 6. Using standard reports 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions 5. Webgate, including Designer Interface (Loading items for a project, reviewing edit reports, and project/proposal summaries for the plans.) 6. Using standard reports (available tools) 7. Requesting/opening new pay items
6. Using Standard Reports
Master Pay Item List Item Year (spec year, master file) Item Range Output format (.pdf, .xls, .htm) CompBook Master Pay Item Extract (.xls) Project Let date
6. Using Standard Reports
Item Average Unit Cost State/Market/County Contract type Date Range Item Range Pay Item Unit Cost Similar input as Item Average Specific Items Links to complete project list: awarded info
6. Using Standard Reports
Pricing Items CES vs Item Averages CES prices based on quantity and regression models Item Averages include some “extreme” high/low values, as awarded Both consider date range and area(s) Choose the best tool for the current need
Outline, continued 15 Minute BREAK
5. Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface 6. Using standard reports 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions 5. Webgate, including Designer Interface (Loading items for a project, reviewing edit reports, and project/proposal summaries for the plans.) 6. Using standard reports (available tools) 7. Requesting/opening new pay items
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Who? What? When? Where? How? Why?
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Who? Designer requests items from the District Estimates Office, through the FDOT Project Manager District Estimates reviews the request; they coordinate with District Specs, as necessary
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Who? *Reviews: Valid item structure Valid for project letting date Specifications available Details and/or standards available CO Estimates- Engineering Systems Support Section (our group) reviews and opens the items*
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
What? A sample is included in Chapter 6. Include project #, let date Item #, Description from BOE, Units Consultant Name, contact #
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
When? Phase 2, when items are loaded into TRNS*PORT Failure to do your job in a timely manner…
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Where? Items and Categories (by design groups) Use item(s) applicable for the category
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
How? How long does it take? Opening an item: 5 minutes Requesting/creating a new item: about 10 minutes- once the specs, drawings, and form are completed
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Why? Why not use an existing item that is “close enough”? Skews Cost History Avoids development of a new item/ product/ specification Introduces potential Claims due to non-standard use (or incomplete specs/details)
7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Additional Reviews Special Custom Furnish Install Plan Details and/or Tech Spec Required
Quiz based on light pole special, master
Outline, continued 15 Minute BREAK
5. Webgate, including loading items and quantities into the Designer Interface 6. Using standard reports 7. Requesting/opening new pay items 8. Comments/Questions 5. Webgate, including Designer Interface (Loading items for a project, reviewing edit reports, and project/proposal summaries for the plans.) 6. Using standard reports (available tools) 7. Requesting/opening new pay items
Contact Information Consultant Designer FDOT Project Manager District Estimates Office TRNS*PORT Coordinator LRE Coordinator Final Plans
Contact Information Engineering Systems Support Cheri Sylvester- TRNS*PORT, opening pay items and system issues: Melissa (Missy) Hollis- BOE, new pay item requests and item usage: Tyrone Ware- Price Trends, Opening Items Mike Johnson- MRE Reports Dale Stanley- LRE
Thank you for your time.
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