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The Cold War.

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1 The Cold War


3 I haven't fought this terrible war just to restore the British Empire.
Why can't Roosevelt see? Stalin is as dangerous as Hitler was. Its appeasement all over again. I haven't fought this terrible war just to restore the British Empire. It won't be difficult to get around free elections - not if I have my troops at the polling stations. Churchill tried to warn Roosevelt of the dangers of giving the Russians too much. But Roosevelt trusted Stalin more than Churchill did. And Stalin agreed there would be free elections in Eastern Europe.

4 Europe after WWII

5 United Nations

6 The United Nations After World War II Western leaders perceived the Soviet Union as the center of a world revolutionary movement, while Soviet leaders felt themselves surrounded by the western countries and their North Atlantic Treaty Organization (founded 1949). The United Nations provided a venue for face-to-face debate between the two sides in the Cold War. The United Nations was established in 1945 with a General Assembly, Security Council, a full-time bureaucracy headed by the Secretary-General, and various specialized agencies. All signatories of the United Nations Charter renounced war and territorial conquest, but in practice, the United Nations was seldom able to forestall or quell international conflicts. The decolonization of Africa and Asia greatly swelled the size of the General Assembly, which became an arena for expressing opinions and whose resolutions carried great weight in the early years of the United Nations. The influx of new members made the General Assembly more concerned with poverty, racial discrimination, and the struggle against imperialism than with the Cold War, and so the Western powers increasingly ignored the General Assembly.

7 UN Flag

8 Capitalism and Communism
Between 1944 and 1946 the western capitalist countries created a new international monetary system in which supply and demand determined prices and that included a system of exchange rates, an International Monetary Fund, and a World Bank. The Soviet Union, suspicious of Western intentions, established a closed monetary system in which the state allocated goods and set prices for itself and for the communist states of eastern Europe. The United States economy recovered and prospered during and after World War II. The economy of Western Europe, heavily damaged during World War II, recovered in the post-war period with the help of the American Marshall Plan.

9 ? Who is the author? Besides the language how can you tell?

10 Marshall Plan

11 Who is talking? Why is it possibly in the best interest of the US to give aid?

12 Name the Speech -1946 Winston Churchill
…from Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe; all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and in some cases increasing measure of control from Moscow. This certainly not the liberated Europe we fought to build up, nor is it one that contains the essentials for permanent peace Winston Churchill

13 Iron Curtain `

14 West versus east The rapid establishment of communist regimes in eastern Europe led the United States to perceive the Soviet Union as a worldwide enemy. American perceptions led to the Truman Doctrine (1947) and to the establishment of NATO (1949), to which the Soviet Union responded by organizing the Warsaw Pact (1955).

15 Truman Doctrine: Contain the Communists. Do not let them spread beyond the Iron Curtain.

16 NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, designed to support Truman’s Doctrine. It’s members: northern hemisphere non-communist countries.

17 Warsaw Pact: USSR response to NATO. It aligned all the communist bloc
Warsaw Pact: USSR response to NATO. It aligned all the communist bloc. East Germany and Yugoslavia would get out.






23 A new game for the West Berlin children

24 Berlin Airlift – 1st test of the cold war

25 West versus east in Europe
A third great war did not break out in Europe, but the Soviet Union and the West did test each other's resolve in incidents such as the Soviet blockade of West Berlin ( ), the construction of the Berlin Wall (1961), and the West's encouragement of the rift between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. Soviet power was used to ensure the obedience of eastern European nations such as Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

26 The Berlin Wall City where the Cold War had its first test of wills
Was a microcosm the division between Eastern & Western Europe

27 The Berlin Wall

28 No man’s land

29 Create an Iron Curtain cartoon!
Get in groups of apx 4 people Create a cartoon title “Iron Curtain” “Berlin Airlift” “NATO/Warsaw” You have 15 minutes Team voted on as the best gets 2 extra points GO! Create an Iron Curtain cartoon! I will scan in your cartoons and we’ll vote next class

30 A British cartoon of 1946 shows Churchill peeping under the Iron Curtain. ‘Joe’ is Joseph Stalin. In fact, the ‘iron curtain’ was a 2,000-km. line of barbed wire, look-out posts and road blocks.

31 Stalin watches as the storks fly coal and food into Berlin, but he dares not shoot them down.

32 Berlin Wall

33 What would you do to get across?

34 Homework is 5 questions and a summary on your notes

35 Capitalism and Communism
Western European governments generally increased their role in economic management during this period. In 1948 Europeans launched a process of economic cooperation and integration with the creation of the Organization of European Economic Cooperation, which expanded its membership as it developed into the European Economic Community or Common Market (1957) and then into the European Community (1970 – known today as the EU. The Soviet Union and eastern European states relied on the government to determine the production, distribution, and price of goods. In the communist states the recovery from World War II was rapid at first, but in the long run the Soviet and eastern European economies were unable to match those of the west in the production of consumer goods, housing, and food.



38 The new Euro currency

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