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“I believe in one God…” Faith as trusting surrender

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Presentation on theme: "“I believe in one God…” Faith as trusting surrender"— Presentation transcript:

1 “I believe in one God…” Faith as trusting surrender
Faith as knowledge of REVELATION Orthodoxy and orthopraxis

2 One God, the Father Almighty

3 …Maker of heaven and earth…

4 “of all that is seen”

5 “…and unseen…”

6 “Ex nihilo…from nothing”
Creation is a radical gift freely given A beginning shrouded in mystery We are stewards, not masters of creation

7 Let us make man in our image. . .

8 Attributes/Names of God
Truth, unity, justice, mercy, love, omnipotence, omniscience, wisdom, immutable… Lord, King, Warrior, Redeemer, Shield, Builder, Faithful, Rock, Holy One of Israel, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Most High, God of gods, Lord of lords, I am, Yahweh, Father, Bridegroom…

9 “…being in the image of God…”
“be imitators of God, as beloved children” (Eph. 5:1)

10 “…you will be as gods…” "For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23)

11 Salvation history God in search of man
“Even though we had disobeyed you and lost your friendship, you loved us more than ever…” - Eucharistic Prayer for Reconciliation

12 Redeemer God

13 Revealing God

14 “What is your Name?”

15 Hebrew Bible Pentateuch/Torah Historical Books Prophets Wisdom

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