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Why is burning fossil fuels bad for the environment?

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Presentation on theme: "Why is burning fossil fuels bad for the environment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why is burning fossil fuels bad for the environment?

2 It contributes to the green house effect

3 Particles in a Solid

4 Vibrate in place

5 Particles in a liquid

6 Take the shape of their container

7 Thermometer

8 Invented by Galileo

9 Electrical, kinetic, thermal, radiant

10 Types of energy

11 How a generator works

12 Burn fuel, heat water, steam turns turbines, which turn magnets, which generate electricity

13 Energy is transferred

14 High to low

15 Absolute zero

16 0 kelvin -273 C

17 heat

18 Total kinetic energy in a substance

19 Bimetallic strip

20 Two pieces of metal bonded together that expand and contract at different temperatures

21 212 f

22 Boiling point of water

23 mercury

24 A liquid metal at room temperature

25 Temperature scales

26 Fahrenheit Celsius kelvin

27 evaporation

28 Needs added energy to happen

29 Freezing

30 Energy is lost

31 kangaroos

32 Evaporative cooling

33 Dangerous radiation

34 Gamma rays

35 Ways that energy can be transferred

36 Convection conduction radiation

37 radiation

38 Travels in waves, can be absorbed, transmitted or reflected.

39 convection

40 Hot air rises and cool air falls

41 Hydroelectric dams

42 Change ecosystems

43 Solar panels problems

44 No sun at night and when its cloudy

45 Particle model of matter

46 Made of particles too small to be seen space between them always in motion

47 Warm drink and cold ice

48 The drink gives energy to melt the ice

49 energy

50 Not a substance can’t be seen is a property

51 plasma

52 Particles moving so fast they break apart and create light

53 Power lines

54 Droop in the summer and are tight in the winter

55 A byproduct

56 Carbon monoxide

57 melting

58 Putting butter in the microwave

59 Kinetic energy

60 When the watermelon falls it has this energy

61 sublimation

62 Dry ice goes from solid to gas

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