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Director Older People and Physical Disability
Anne Tidmarsh Director Older People and Physical Disability STP Senior Responsible Officer Workforce
Sustainability Transformation Partnership
Senior Responsible Officer Workforce Sustainability Transformation Partnership Director Kent County Council and Design and Learning Centre Directing and coordinating health and social care workforce strategy and implementation planning. Care Sector crucial partners in supporting people in the community and preventing unnecessary hospital admissions. Recruitment , retention , career progression key elements that need developing. Design and Learning Centre as Innovation and Learning Development Hub. Designs high impact solutions Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Meets the Challenges facing health & social care Works with Global Partners Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
Design & Learning Centre (DLC) - Learning and Development Hub
Care Sector Governance
Design and Learning Centre Hub
A Reminder of the ESTHER Journey
January - May 2016, Kent integrated care Pioneer team takes part in a study visit to Region Jőnkőping and Kent integrated Care team submits a successful bid for funding the implementation of ESTHER in Kent August 2016 – January 2017 Anna Carlbom from the Swedish ESTHER network joins the Kent team to support implementation and first introductory ESTHER café is held at Design and Learning Centre in Sandwich Feb-March 2017, pilot ESTHER Coach Cohort graduates at Hawkinge House Early Spring 2017 ESTHER in Kent presented at the Chief Nursing Officer Summit, first ESTHER Coach Cohort trained in Thanet and launch of ESTHER Newsletter April and May 2017 ESTHER roadshow – 2hr ESTHER ambassador training Summer 2017 ESTHER cafés in Thanet and at Hawkinge House Autumn 2017 ESTHER Coach Cohort around Broadmeadow Integrated Care Centre trained November 2017 ESTHER Inspiration Day held in Sandwich March 2018 monthly ESTHER Ambassador sessions rolled out across Kent May ESTHER ambassador training and Café as part of Junior GP Frailty training Summer 2018, 3 new Cohorts of ESTHER coach training Designs high impact solutions Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Meets the Challenges facing health & social care Works with Global Partners Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
The ESTHER philosophy ESTHER: focusing on what makes care better for ESTHER by everybody involved asking : “What matters to ESTHER” . Ambassador introduction to the philosophy, planned sessions as well as on request. ESTHER Improvement Coaches, training in Continuous Quality Improvement , improvements for the service users as main goal. Either for already established teams or people based in the same geographical area. ESTHER cafés, an informal meeting where an ESTHER with recent experience of care pathways share their story which will then be discussed around smaller tables with ESTHER participating in the discussion, with the aim to find 5 improvement opportunities based on that story. Numbers trained to date; Ambassadors approx. 675 Coaches 69 Designs high impact solutions Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Meets the Challenges facing health & social care Works with Global Partners Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
Transforming Integrated Care in the Community (TICC)
Buurtzorg Transforming Integrated Care in the Community (TICC)
Transforming Integrated Care in the Community
Buurtzorg Edenbridge Transforming Integrated Care in the Community Buurtzorg European project over 4 years in 4 countries : UK, Belgium, France and the Netherlands. Buurtzorg means : Neighbourhood Care. Nurses, care and support workers , self managing teams , improving care to individuals , better staff morale and reduction of admissions. Question is : will this also work in France , Belgium and the UK. Edenbridge first implementation site, 10 October Engagement sessions. Nursing staff being recruited and Brooklands Care agency will provide workers for the team. Roll out to further sites over 4 years. Key part of the STP Local Care and Workforce workstreams Designs high impact solutions Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Meets the Challenges facing health & social care Works with Global Partners Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
Medication in the Community Project
‘There is not a joined up approach between health and social care in relation to medications’ Medication Pathway Manageable Sections Medication Administration Guidance Medication Administration Record Charts (MAR Charts) Better discharge processes in relation to medication. Designs high impact solutions Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Works with Global Partners Kent guidance for Medication Administration in a domiciliary care setting for care providers. Delivered by October 2018 Kent to have a single Medicines Administration Record Chart (MAR Chart) for patients receiving a domiciliary care package. Delivered by January 2019. Reviewing and improving discharge from hospital in relation to medications. Delivered by January 2019. Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
NEXT STEPS Nurse Associates – KCC will start to utilise it’s levy to pilot trainee nurse associates in social care and broker places on NHS programmes. Pre Employment Pilot in Dover– Once evaluated will continue the work with partners to look at the potential to widen out this offer ESTHER – Build a sustainable structure for supporting ESTHER philosophy once implemented and ESTHER rolled out with Local Care implementation College offer for health and social care qualifications and training–workshop 08 Nov 2018 Carers / Care Workers App: e-Learning , health tasks, medication etc. Partnership working on a Positive Behavioural support package for the Transforming Care cohort and also looking to fill the gap in Mental Health and crisis management training for the sector Leadership and management offer – seeking feedback from the registered manager networks to determine further development needs for managers Recruitment support – looking at the potential for a jobs vacancy page on the DLC web-site Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Meets the Challenges facing health & social care Works with Global Partners Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
Partnerships and Change
How do we create a workforce strategy for the Care Sector ? How do we work together on this ? Partnership working between all involved to improve recruitment, retention and career pathway options in the sector Using the systems we have set up in Kent and Medway in order to do the above Communicate !!! Designs high impact solutions Creates the workforce of the future Meets the challenges facing Health & Social Care Innovative use of technology especially digital Meets the Challenges facing health & social care Works with Global Partners Innovative use of technology especially digital Website: Follow us on
Further Information & Contact
Website: Get live Updates as they happen by following us on
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