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Thales Thales of Miletus was the first known Greek philosopher, scientist and mathematician. Some consider him to be the teacher of Pythagoras He studied.

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Presentation on theme: "Thales Thales of Miletus was the first known Greek philosopher, scientist and mathematician. Some consider him to be the teacher of Pythagoras He studied."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thales Thales of Miletus was the first known Greek philosopher, scientist and mathematician. Some consider him to be the teacher of Pythagoras He studied with the Egyptians and the Chaldeans. He is credited with bringing mathematical and astronomical sciences to Greece. It is reported that he predicted an eclipse of the Sun on May 28, 585 BC, startling all of Ionia. He is credited with five theorems of elementary geometry.

2 How high are the Egyptian pyramids?


4 Clear proof of angles.

5 Pythagoras Loved numbers. Believed in numbers in music.
Developed the Pythagorean Theorem.

6 Euclid Euclid wrote The Elements, a book on geometry and mathematics.
The Elements is the 2nd most widely translated book and is considered the best book on geometry.

7 Hippocrates - Called “The Father of Scientific Medicine”.
- Hippocrates believed diseases came from natural causes rather than evil spirits. Hippocrates wrote a list of rules about how doctors should use their skills to help their patients. Some rules were do no harm and keep your patients secrets These rules are called “The Hippocratic Oath”.

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