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Understanding Population Pyramids

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1 Understanding Population Pyramids
Learning Goal 3 – Analyze how and why humans have used technologies to modify the environment and how humans have found diverse uses for various physical features. (TEKS/SE’s 19A,19B)

2 Population Pyramids

3 World Geography Population
Earth’s Population is 7 BILLION and growing Population growth Earth’s population grew very slowly for thousands of years which means that, the Birth Rate and Death Rate were almost equal. llhammon Fall 2010

4 Earth’s Population In the 19th century population began to rise because: BR was higher than DR Better agriculture practices  more food Industrial Revolution  higher standard of living

5 Earth’s Population (con’t)
Population growth rates are tied to a country’s level of industrialization. More industrialized  slow population growth Less industrialized  high growth Demographers use graphs called population pyramids to forecast population growth. Earth’s Population (con’t)

6 Population Pyramids We use population pyramids to analyze growth (or decline) of fertility, mortality, and migration

7 Population in age bands This can be a percentage or a #
Population Pyramids “The Oldies” Population in age bands Economically Active The Kiddos This can be a percentage or a #

8 Population Pyramids The cup The tree The box
There are three basic shapes: The cup The tree The box

9 Less Developed Country
Characteristics: High BR/ falling DR Rapid population growth Short life expectancy The tree Impacts: Pop. mostly kids  Gov’t resources go to child care/benefits Low quality of life High TFR & infant mortality Rapidly growing pop.  Low resources (country may exceed carrying capacity!) Less Developed Country Examples: Angola Bangladesh

10 More developed country; slow growth
Characteristics: Low BR/DR Slow population growth Long life expectancy The box More developed country; slow growth Impacts: Most preferable pyramid. Slow pop. growth provides workforce that can support elderly population. Low TFR (~2.1), infant mortality Examples: Norway USA

11 More developed country; negative growth
Characteristics: Lower BR/Low DR Negative population growth Long life expectancy The cup More developed country; negative growth Impacts: Most of pop. are old Gov’t places more resources in retirement benefits Less people of working age smaller workforce and can’t support big elderly population Lower TFR (<2.1), low infant mortality Examples: Italy Germany

12 What category is this pyramid?
Sweden The box!

13 What category is this pyramid?
The cup!

14 What category is this pyramid?
The xmas tree!

15 Application You and your partner will receive a set of blank population pyramids to analyze. Color each gender a different color. Write what pyramid each country has and the issues that country is facing. Equation for the blank boxes: Age group number divided by the total population times 100 (Little number divided by the big number times 100) Example: Look at France, males ages 0-4. 2080 ÷ 64,059 = x 100= 3.2%

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