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Working Knowledge Training

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1 Working Knowledge Training
Lesson 5

2 Overview Options on VP IV home page How to add an image
How to create a Defined Color Different types of Panels How to add a Message Panel Message Panel Properties Message Panel Layout Message Panel Color Message Panel Filtering

3 Welcome Page 1. Open the VT3000 Welcome page – select VP IV button
2. Multiple options are available – coinciding function is listed below. Panels – add, edit or delete displays Colors – add, edit or delete defined colors Widgets – add, edit or delete widgets used in panels Media – add, edit or delete images Rotating Panels – add, edit or delete rotating panel 3. Select Support for VP IV support ticket submission. Select Help for VP IV Wikipedia page.

4 Media - Image 1. Select the Media icon from the VP IV Home page.
2. Select the Upload New button. 3. Select the Choose File button – navigate to the image file – double click on the file.

5 Media - Image 4. Media Name – name the image. Fit – select Keep Aspect Ratio. Select Upload New File button. 5. The image will now show in the Media Files list – select the file from the list. 6. All the image specifications will show along with a thumbnail of the image.

6 Colors 1. Select the Colors icon from the VP IV Home page.
2. Select the Add button. 3. Enter a name for the color – select Standard – select color from the list – select Save button.

7 Colors 4. Select the Add button.
5. Enter a name for the color – select Custom – use the RGB sliders to create color – select Save button.

8 Panel Types 1. From the VP IV home page select the Panels icon.
2. There are 2 types of panels. Grid – create cells to any size and place them anywhere on the screen. Offers the most flexible designs. Table – create cells base on rows and columns. Resembles an Excel spread sheet. 3. There multiple panels available within each type – explanation below. GRID Table Informative Grid – place texts or images in the cells. Andon Grid – place text, tags or Andon widgets in the cells. Performance Grid – place text, tags or performance widgets in the cells. Combo Grid – place text, tags, all widgets, URL’s and Real-Time Reports in the cells Informative Table – place texts or images in the cells. Andon Table – place text, tags or Andon widgets in the cells. Performance Table – place text, tags or performance widgets in the cells. Combo Table – place text, tags, all widgets, URL’s and Real-Time Reports in the cells

9 Panel Other Types 1. Messaging panels show the text entered on the first Communication Path for the device. 2. Dynamic Panels are custom panels created & edited by VersaCall Technicians.

10 Message Panel 1. Select Messaging Panel from the Add New menu - 4 tabs at the top of the page – select Properties. 2. Properties Name – enter a name for the panel. Refresh – enter the number of seconds to elapse before the panel refreshes data. Display Elapsed Time – select the time format for the message(s). Inactivity Behavior – enter a message to show on screen when there are no calls. Fore – select the color of the text for the Inactivity screen. Back – select the color of the background for the Inactivity screen.

11 Message Panel 3. Select Layout Tab. 4. Select the Color Tab.
Font Style – select the type of font for the message. Font Size – enter the size of font for the message. Messages Per Page – enter how many messages are to show on the screen. Paging Interval – enter how many seconds to elapse before second page of messages shows (when total per page exceeds number entered). Show Footer – select to show date & time on screen. Alignment – select where to align message text on screen. 4. Select the Color Tab. By State – colors will change based on the state of the alarm. Time Threshold – colors will change bases on elapsed time of the alarm. Colors After – enter number of seconds to display selected color. Foreground – select the color of the text for the state or time. Background – select the color of the text for the state or time. Blink – select to blink the text – select the background and foreground color

12 Message Panel 5. Select the Filtering tab.
6. Select Use Filter Groups to sort messages by groups. Available – select a group to include. Right Arrow Button – select button to place the group in the Selected list. Left Arrow Button – select a button to place the group in the Available list. Fore – select the color of the text for the Inactivity screen. Back – select the color of the background for the Inactivity screen. 7. Select Disable These Specific States to remove the messages. Activation Messages – remove the set messages from the panel. Acknowledgement Messages – remove the acknowledge messages from the panel.

13 Summary Home Page Panel Types Message Panel Panels Widgets
Rotating Panels Media Colors Administration Panel Types Grid – Combo, Performance, Andon & Informative Table – Combo, Performance, Andon & Informative Other – Message & Dynamic Message Panel Properties Layout Color Filtering

14 Practical Application
Home Page Open the VP IV software page. Select Media Add an image Remove an image Select Colors Add a Standard color Add a Custom color Remove a color Message Panel Create a message panel for By State Change Create a message panel for By Threshold Change

15 Additional Information
VersaCall VT3000 Wikipedia page – a manual that mirrors the software Overview Pages Panels Widgets Rotating Panels Media Colors Administration How To Guides – step by step instructions on specific tasks Create a Defined Color Upload an Image Edit & Remove an Image Create a Messaging Panel

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