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Why are plants important?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are plants important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are plants important?
Plants have been interacting with other organisms (including humans) for millions of years…

2 Brainstorm How have you interacted with plants or used plant products today???

3 People have asked questions about PLANTS for centuries
Plants can’t eat, so how do they grow and build mass? Do we REQUIRE plants to live, or are they just beneficial? What properties do plants have that bind us to them? …you may have asked these same questions…

4 That’s what Science is! It’s all about ASKING QUESTIONS!
Ask questions… Make predictions… Create experiments to test predictions… Arrive at a conclusion (get answers!)

5 Today, we’re going to explore some questions about plants.
We’ll look at experiments that others did in the past. We’ll make conclusions based on real, scientific evidence! Our goal is to learn more about plants! YOU are the biologist!

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