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NAVIGATE GALENA September 19, WELCOME FRESHMAN PARENTS! Ms. Dunne and Ms. Scala, Counselors

● Graduation requirements ● How credits work in high school ● Diploma Options ● College- Already? ● Academic Success/Tips ● Attendance requirement ● PE Requirement ● GRADUATION...only FOUR years away!

3 What are Galena’s graduation requirements?
■ Credit Requirements (23): 7 classes a year! English: 4 credits PE/ROTC: 2 credits Math: 3 credits Health: .5 credit Soc. Studies: 3 credits Dig Thinking: .5 credit Science: 2 credits Electives 6 credits Arts/Humanities/CTE: 1 credit “Flex” courses: 1 credit (2nd or 3rd year CTE, 4th year math, 3rd year science, 4th year social studies) ■ Participate in College and Career Readiness Assessment (CCR) in junior year ■ Complete Civics exam in senior year (in Government classes)

4 CREDITS Each semester of each class PASSED is worth .5 credit
7 classes PASSED per semester = 3.5 credits per semester 7 classes PASSED per year = 7 credits per year! December and June = end of each semester! If students do not pass the required classes, students do NOT earn credit… no credit = no graduation 

5 PE REQUIREMENT FOUR semesters (two credits) of PE or ROTC is required for graduation Students are encouraged to take PE! Students can waive up to two semesters of the PE requirement by two different seasons of a sport 1 season of a sport = 1 waiver A waiver does NOT count for credit!

6 ATTENDANCE 90% RULE: if students have five unexcused absences in any class per semester they will FAIL that class (even if they have a passing grade) FIVE ABSENCES = F grade AND no credit Students need to make up the missed work in order to “excuse” the absence!

7 DIPLOMA OPTIONS Standard: 23 credits
Advanced: Four years of math; three years of science; 3.25 GPA and 24 credits Honors : Four years of math; three years of science; eight credits of honors classes; two years of the same foreign language; 3.40 GPA and 24 credits

8 Recipe for College Readiness
Start with graduation requirements** then add: Math (Algebra 2 minimum): 4 years Science: years Foreign Language (same language): years Visual and Performing Art: 1 year (check with colleges first) Additional coursework or electives: varies (contact colleges for more info) AP and Honors courses are encouraged! **double check each colleges’ requirements first as requirements vary between colleges**

9 College Planning Tips Rigor, Rigor, Rigor! Colleges want a challenging and rigorous high school record: Encourage your student to take rigorous (honors and AP courses) classes* Plan on having your student take a full load their senior year (including math). Colleges do not want seniors taking a “senior year vacation” in high school! *You don’t need to overdo it!

10 College Planning Tips Colleges are looking for the most capable students however… There is no exact formula to predict the “rules of evaluation” for admission for any college in any given admissions cycle so… Students need to prepare themselves as best as possible to be the most competitive applicant!

11 College Search/Exploration Process
NOW is the time to start shopping! Some considerations: -admission requirements -costs -major selection -location (travel costs) -size of college -weather -public vs. private -2 yr vs. 4 year -quality/reputation of program (preparation) -surrounding community -special interests on/off-campus

12 Where do we start? There are over 3,800 colleges to choose from!
Utilize online resources to search for potential colleges/universities: -Individual college websites -College search websites (see handout) -Galena High School Career Center -College Fair- FREE! (November 18th at UNR; 12-4 p.m.: breakout sessions- financial aid, housing, first generation, etc.) Take advantage of campus visits…. Students do not want to be on a four year ‘blind date’….. REMEMBER: There are no “best” colleges- only best matches for individual students.. And there may be more than one! Be mindful of the “brand name” reputation…

13 How can I support my student’s academic success?

14 Freshman Students Are usually… Extremely social.
Worried about…well, pretty much everything. More willing to communicate with adults than we sometimes think they are. Are not usually… Ready for adult responsibilities Mature enough to handle all decisions on their own. Mature enough to use today’s technology without guidance from caring adults.

15 Monitor regularly During the high school years, it's very important parents continue to be involved in their child's life…. Monitor your child’s progress in school, and that he/she is making good choices and decisions…. Help them learn that with independence comes increased responsibility…. Watch: Infinite Campus, Cell phones, , the planner, social networking sites (Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

16 Organizational Tips Use a Daily Planner to write down assignments for each class. Keep a separate HOMEWORK folder for each class labeled work “To Do” and work “To Turn In” Clean out backpack weekly Organize workspace at home Remove distractions near workspace

17 Tips for Getting Additional Support:
Talk with your student’s teacher(s) regarding your concerns! Monitor grades via Infinite Campus Ask teacher(s) when they are available for extra help. teachers Tutoring if needed (Math: Mondays 2:45-3:45 in room 114; tutor list) Contact us with any questions!

18 Consider removing electronic devices- YOU have the power!
Are these devices in the bedroom or away from high visibility areas?

19 Don’t start digging the hole…it is harder to climb out than stay out!

20 GET INVOLVED! Encourage your student to become a part of Galena’s many activities! Have FUN by participating in: Sports Leadership Band ROTC Clubs Yearbook Journalism Drama

PASS all classes and earn the required credits (23+) AND Participate in the CCR assessment (junior year) AND Complete Civics exam (senior year- in government class) Students will not graduate with their diploma unless they complete all of these!

22 Questions? Comments? Feeling confused? Please contact us:
Phone: , extension 30523

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