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Compass Constructions

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Presentation on theme: "Compass Constructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compass Constructions

2 Copying A Segment

3 Step #1: Start with the original segment

4 Step #2: Using a straightedge, draw a line that is longer than the original segment


6 Step #3: Place the needle of the compass on point A and the pencil on point B


8 Step #4: Transfer the distance to the drawn line, making an arc

9 Step #5: Label the new points A’ and B’. Then erase the excess line.

10 Bisecting a Segment

11 Step #1: Place the needle of the compass on point B and the pencil on a point about 3/4 across the segment

12 Make a semi-circle

13 Step #2: Maintaining the same distance on your compass, repeat step #1 from point A


15 Step #3: Label the points of intersection of the semi-circles points C and D

16 Step #4: Using a straightedge connect points C and D

17 is the perpendicular bisector of

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