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Age of Exploration.

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1 Age of Exploration

2 Quick Review During the Middle Ages ( AD) most Europeans thought there were only 3 continents (Europe, Africa, and Asia). Feudal life meant many people’s lives revolved around the manor and few ever left the manor. There were very few merchants and traders and few roads or towns existed.

3 A Changing Europe Toward the end of the Middle Ages, conditions began to change. Religious wars (crusades) led to increased trade with people in Asia and Africa. There was also a revival in learning called the Renaissance. The Crusades had lasting effects for Europeans. For the first time, large numbers of Europeans travelled outside of their small towns. They tasted exotic foods, and spices and brought back silk and rugs from Arab traders. Italian merchants realized Europeans would pay high prices for these foreign goods. They began trading with Arab merchants in the Middle East.

4 Reasons for Exploration Why did European exploration begin to flourish in the 1400s?
Increased demand for new trade routes to Asia to get goods for Europeans. Europeans were especially interested in spices from Asia (preserved food and made it taste better). Muslims and Italians controlled the flow of trade. Muslim traders carried goods to the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea and Italian merchants brought the goods to Europe. European monarchs and merchants wanted to break the hold (control) that Muslims and Italians had on trade. One way to do that was to find a sea route to Asia.

5 Other Motives for Exploration God, Glory and Gold
Many people were excited about the opportunity for new knowledge. Explorers saw the chance to win fame, glory and wealth. As new lands were discovered, European nations wanted to claim the lands’ riches for themselves. A final motive (reason) was to spread Christianity – sometimes using force to make natives Christians.

6 Advances in Knowledge and Technology
The Age of Exploration began during the Renaissance, a time of new learning. New discoveries made it easier for explorers to venture into the unknown. One major advance was in Cartography (map making). Discoveries by explorers gave mapmakers new information about the world which allowed them to make more accurate maps. Better maps made navigation easier. A Renaissance geographer named Mercator created maps using improved lines of latitude and longitude which were a great help to navigators. An improved ship design also helped explorers.

7 By the 1400s, Portuguese and Spanish explorers were making caravels
By the 1400s, Portuguese and Spanish explorers were making caravels. These ships were small, fast, and easy to maneuver (steer). Caravels also used Lateen (triangular) sails, an idea borrowed from Muslim ships. These sails could be positioned to take advantage of the wind no matter which way it blew. By the end of the 15th century, the compass was much improved. The Sailors used the compass to find their direction of travel. The Astrolabe helped sailors figure out their distance north or south from the equator. Improved technology gave Europeans a huge advantage over the people they met in their explorations.

8 Sailors could fire their weapons at targets near the shore without leaving their ships.

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