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Connections Word Wall This is based upon the Connections round in BBC4’s Only Connect quiz show. There are a variety of ways of tackling the Connections.

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Presentation on theme: "Connections Word Wall This is based upon the Connections round in BBC4’s Only Connect quiz show. There are a variety of ways of tackling the Connections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connections Word Wall This is based upon the Connections round in BBC4’s Only Connect quiz show. There are a variety of ways of tackling the Connections Word Wall with a class: Delete everything except slide 2, then let the class sort the wall individually using PowerPoint Print multiple copies of slides 2 and 3. Cut up slide 2 so that all the words are separated. The class can then sort the wall individually or in pairs. Print slides 4-19 and tape them under random seats. Draw a 4x4 grid on the whiteboard. Let the 16 students with the words work as a team to sort the wall at the front of the class. My favourite gets everyone in the class involved. Start by drawing two 4x4 grids in the room - use whiteboards, pinboards, flip charts, the floor etc. Print 2 copies of slides and share them amongst the class. Students can then work as a team to sort the 2 word walls.

2 Binary Kilobyte Decimal Base-16 Byte 0 1 15+1=10 Hexadecimal Base-10 Nibble Base-2 9+1=10 1+1=10 Denary Bit A - F


4 Hexadecimal

5 A - F

6 Base-16

7 = 10

8 Binary

9 0 1

10 Base-2

11 1 + 1 = 10

12 Bit

13 Nibble

14 Byte

15 Kilobyte

16 Decimal

17 Denary

18 Base-10

19 9 + 1 = 10

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