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Tutorial 00 Analysis with HEP Objects

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1 Tutorial 00 Analysis with HEP Objects
URL with complete information: Small overview of what types of Objects exist 3 and 4 vectors, displacement vectors Lorentz boosts and rotations 3D transformations. Using these objects to do some typical physics calculations Invariant mass Impact parameter between a vector and a point in space. Helicity angle in Ds  fp Transversity angle in B J/y f “addpkg Examples” and look in TUTORIAL00/ 17/02/2019

2 Types of Objects in CLHEP
Hep3Vector A(ax, ay, az), B(bx, by, bz); The vector A can be initialized with double’s. Add and subtract these vectors, scalar multiplication Double d; Hep3Vector C = d*A + B/d; Take the dot product: Double ABcostheta =; Take the cross product: Hep3Vector AcrossB = A.cross(B); Find the Unit vector in the same direction as vector A. Hep3Vector UnitA = A.unit(); Find Magnitude of the Vector A: HepDouble MagA = A.mag(); 17/02/2019

3 Types of Objects in CLHEP
LorentzVector A(px, py, pz, Ea), B(px, py, pz, Eb); The Lorentz vector A can be initialized with double’s. Add and subtract these vectors, scalar multiplication Double d; LorentzVector C = d*A + B/d; Find the Mass of A or of the combination HepDouble mass = A.m(); HepDouble invmass = (A+B).m(); Get 3-vector direction of the Lorentz vector Hep3Vector Adir = A.vect(); Four Vector dot product HepDouble invariantC =; Find Boost vector in for this object Hep3Vector velocityA = A.boostVector(); 17/02/2019

4 Impact parameter: vector to a point.
? Given a position and direction of particle, what is the Impact Paramter? 17/02/2019

5 Impact parameter: vector to a point.
#include "CLHEP/Geometry/Point3D.h" #include "CLHEP/Geometry/Vector3D.h" int main(int, char **) { HepPoint3D pointOnTrack; HepPoint3D pointInSpace; HepVector3D directionOfTrack; // Impact parameter in three D: HepVector3D impactVect = (pointOnTrack - pointInSpace).cross(directionOfTrack); double i2d = impactVect.z(); double i3d = impactVect.mag(); } ? 17/02/2019

6 Transformations: Different kinds of Transformations:
HepTransform3D, HepTranslate3D, HepRotateX3D, HepRotateY3D, HepReflectX3D, HepScale3D… Can compose, e.g: HepTransform3D xform= HepTranslate3X3(5.0)*HepRotateY3D(M_PI)*HepRotateZ3D(M_PI/2); Can invert: HepTransform xformInverse = xform.inverse(); 17/02/2019

7 Three kinds of vectors:
Point (affected by translation, rotations, reflections) Vector(affected by rotations and reflections) Normal(affected by rotations) All of these have exactly the same functions as Hep3Vector Each give a different result when transformed E.G Move the origin of coordinates by 1 mm, due to a beam spot shift: HepPoint3D pointOnTrack; HepPoint3D pointInSpace; HepVector3D directionOfTrack; HepTranslate3D shift(0.1); HepPoint3D pOTPrime = shift*pointOnTrack; // moves! HepPoint3D pISPrime = shift *pointInSpace; // moves! HepVector3D doTPrime = shift *directionOfTrack; // does not move! Hep3Vector HepPoint3D HepNormal3D HepVector3D 17/02/2019

8 * More specialized: Lorentz transformations:
* Act on Lorentz transfomations, Lorentz vectors * Many ways to construct: Most useful: from a vector that gives (bx, by, bz) Can get this from a fourVector: // Get the 3-velocity of phi in the lab frame: Hep3Vector phiVelocity = Phi.boostVector(); // Create a boost from the Phi Rest Frame to the Lab: HepLorentzRotation phiBoost(phiVelocity); * Can invert: // Create a boost from the Lab to the Phi Rest Frame; HepLorentzRotation toPhiRest = phiBoost.inverse(); * More specialized: // Create a boost from B Rest Frame to D Rest Frame; HepLorentzRotation BToD = boostToD*boostToB.inverse(); 17/02/2019

9 Angle of p- wrt the K- in the f rest frame
Helicity Angle: Ds fp K+K- K- K+ p- Angle of p- wrt the K- in the f rest frame 17/02/2019

10 Helicity Angle: Ds fp K- Ds- K+
// Get these vectors from the tracks, in the lab frame: HepLorentzVector KPlus; HepLorentzVector KMinus; HepLorentzVector PiMinus; // Compute the Phi Four Momentum: HepLorentzVector Phi = KPlus + KMinus; // Get the D Four vector: HepLorentzVector Ds = Phi+PiMinus; // Get the 3-velocity of phi in the lab frame: Hep3Vector phiVelocity = Phi.boostVector(); // Create a boost to the rest frame of the phi: HepLorentzRotation phiBoost(phiVelocity); HepLorentzRotation toPhiRest = phiBoost.inverse(); // Get the direction of the KMinus and the pion in the phi rest frame: Hep3Vector KMPrimeDir = (toPhiRest*KMinus).vect().unit(); Hep3Vector DsPrimeDir = (toPhiRest*Ds).vect().unit(); double cosHelicity =; K- K+ Ds- 17/02/2019

11 Angle between m+ and the normal to the K+K- plane in the
Transversity Angle K+K- Bs  J/ f m+ m- x z K- 1- f K+ Angle between m+ and the normal to the K+K- plane in the J/ rest frame 17/02/2019

12 Transversity Angle // Get these vectors from the tracks, in the lab frame: HepLorentzVector KPlus; HepLorentzVector KMinus; HepLorentzVector MuPlus; HepLorentzVector MuMinus; // Compute the JPsi Four Momentum: HepLorentzVector JPsi = MuPlus + MuMinus; // Get the 3-velocity of J/psi in the lab frame: Hep3Vector JPsiVelocity = JPsi.boostVector(); // Create a boost to the rest frame of the J/psi: HepLorentzRotation JPsiBoost(JPsiVelocity); HepLorentzRotation toJPsiRest = JPsiBoost.inverse(); // Find the Kaon and Muon direction vectors in the J/psi rest frame Hep3Vector KPlusPrime = (toJPsiRest*KPlus).vect(); Hep3Vector KMinusPrime = (toJPsiRest*KMinus).vect(); Hep3Vector MuPlusPrime = (toJPsiRest*MuPlus).vect(); // Compute the transversity angle: double cosTransversity = KMinusPrime.cross(KPlusPrime).unit().dot(MuPlusPrime.unit()); Angle between m+ and the normal to the K+K- plane in the J/ rest frame 17/02/2019

13 To be continued: class CdfTrack { Hep3Vector getMomentum() const;
HepLorentzVector getFourMomentum() const; + more! }; 17/02/2019

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