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Evolution Unit Exam on Thursday!

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1 Evolution Unit Exam on Thursday!
Warm up: How do the flagella and cell wall increase the survival of a prokaryotic cell? Flush: Did you do anything fun during the snow day? Evolution Unit Exam on Thursday!

2 How do new species form? It is a big jump from natural selection to the formation of new species ….how can natural selection lead to new species?

3 Steps of Speciation 1. A species gets isolated from each other geographically into location A and location B 2. Location A is drastically different from location B, so different traits are favored by natural selection in each location 3. Random mutations in the species occur in both locations, but are selected for differently 4. Overtime, the species become more and more different due to different traits being advantageous in their different locations 5. After many many years, the species become so different they are no longer able to interbreed

4 Geographical Isolation
Volcanic eruption Migration to an island Flood forming new river Earthquake Man-made barriers (roads, buildings etc.)

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