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Gleneagles 2006 E Disclosure – A Snapshot

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1 Gleneagles 2006 E Disclosure – A Snapshot
Welcome to the EDD Round Table. We have 20 minutes so let’s press on. I’m Andrew Haslam from Allvision Computing. I’m an independent IT consultant who has spent over a decade working with Legal IT departments, and the past 3 years concentrating on Electronic Disclosure. I spend a majority of my time looking after a dedicated litigation support group at Lovells, but have also worked with BLP, Masons, RPC and Slaughter and May. I’m going to look at: Overall background to EDD. The EDD Lifecycle. Key issues and emerging trends, with a focus on two key ones. Time for questions at the end. Andrew Haslam Allvision Computing

2 Scale of the Problem 92% of new information is stored electronically, 2/3 never printed. By end of 2006, 60 Bn messages will be sent each day. 60% of business-critical information is stored within corporate systems, up from 33% in 1999. Disclosure is the historical “tail” to litigation and increasingly it is electronic, with all the issues that brings. But what’s the bottom line of all this? Allvision Computing

3 Economics of E-Disclosure
Time costs £3bn on litigation fees. 20% of total time on document review = £600m. Technology can reduce review time by up to 8. Potential saving of £500m, Disbursements Process electronically once at £0.0x per page. Photocopy many copies at £0.0x per page. Here’s the generally accepted figures. Brief look at how EDD fits into the Litigation lifecycle. Allvision Computing

4 Litigation Lifecycle Capture Prepare Present Analysis Tools
Courtroom Systems EDD Very high level view of litigation in terms of my viewpoint. Three elements, getting the data, preparing for trial and the actual trial itself. In the beginning you had paper, which led to scanning to tiff’s, coding, OCR. Then litigation support systems, such as Concordance JFS, Litigator’s Notebook and Summation. Finally the in-court presentation systems such as The Bloody Sunday enquiry, and tools like Livenote etc. OK for 5-6 years, saw some use of linked PDF’s for trial bundles, more powerful Litigation Support software, Ringtail and IntroSpect appear Then came EDD and volume, which swept through the process like a tidal wave. Now you also have emerging tools, utilising the 100% seachability of the data, and the structures built into documents and . What’s happening now? EDD vendors are extending their functionality into the Litigation support area, and vice versa. Scanning, OCR, Coding Litigation Support Allvision Computing

5 Key Issues CPR has changed. Volume, Volume, Volume.
Next generation of tools. Embedded personal data. Challenging projects for Litigation Support staff. What are the key issues today? First, the UK has changed its rules, (US does so in December). BUT lots of anecdotal evidence that still being regarded as “too difficult” and being swept under the carpet, don’t think this will last. The impact of volume and how you cope with it. Tools are emerging, and strategy and tactics changing with them. Data protection and how people (despite policies saying they shouldn’t), embedding personal data into relevant material. EDD will change how Litigation Support Staff do their job. They will need to acquire/demonstrate a higher skills set to cope with the challenges. Allvision Computing

6 Next Year’s Trends Steady rise in small – medium sized cases.
“Intelligent” initial data capture. Litigation Readiness. Increasing partnerships with external agencies. Here’s the forecasting bit. We will not get the “Tsunami” of change that the US experienced. All the evidence is towards a continuation of the steadily rising flood of change, and remember a medium EDD case is still enormous. A number of firms nave been through their first significant EDD case and are developing pragmatic approaches based on experience, not theory. Two main areas of strategic focus: Much better strategies for capturing the data. Increasing take-up of Litigation Readiness. Both of which, plus the “normal” use of EDD, means more partnerships with external agencies, and Litigation Support staff evolving into project co-ordination. I want to spend a little time looking at each of these three areas. Allvision Computing

7 Efficiencies in E Disclosure
Process Technology Original Volume (and Cost) Scope Preserve Gather Process Host Review Present How do we obtain these? Disclosure made up of these elements. Standard approach is to do this: Far more significant is to try this: On-site collection and “triage” using consultancy alongside the legal team to identify the core data, and smarter tools to find it. Allvision Computing

8 20 – 30% reduction in costs Litigation Readiness
“Better fence at the top of the cliff”. Study to identify: Policies for storing data. Where it is located. How would you retrieve it. How do you change? Make the changes. 20 – 30% reduction in costs What is this about? Better fence at the top of the cliff, rather than a superb ambulance at the bottom. Very high level view of what you do. Allvision Computing

9 Available Partners Consultancy: EDD Suppliers: Software Vendors:
Delloites, KPMG, LECG. EDD Suppliers: Kroll Ontrack, Lexis Nexis, LDM, nMatrix, Trilantic. Software Vendors: Ringtail (FTI), IntroSpect (Zantaz), Attenix, iConnect, Summation, Concordance. Who can help you do all of this? The fence at the top stuff is mainly the preserve of the consultancy firms. The ambulance providers come from these. The software people are. Allvision Computing

10 Questions? Andrew Haslam 07789 435080
Thanks for listening, any questions? Allvision Computing

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