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Accessibility Supports
Bridging the Gap Between Instruction and Assessment All of us All of this year’s accessibility support information have not yet been released. We are here today not only to talk about accessibility supports but to also discuss how we can help you bridge the gap between instruction and assessment
The Purpose of Accessibility Supports
Provide ALL students with an equitable opportunity to access content and demonstrate learning using Accessibility Supports that give students: access to supports similar to those used during instruction, a positive and productive assessment experience, and the ability to show what they know and can do as they progress toward college and career readiness. Reminder: Assigned Accessibility Supports should only be supports a student uses regularly during instruction and/or are familiar with using. Elizabeth consider - supports similar to those used during instruction
CAASPP CA (California) Assessment of Student Performance and Progress
Elizabeth Update umbrella of the many measures that indicates whether students are on track to be college and career ready at each tested grade level.
Important Acronyms CAASPP: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress ELPAC: English Language Proficiency Assessments for California SA: Summative Assessment TOMS: Test Operations Management System CAA: California Alternate Assessment SC: Site Coordinator CAST: California Science Test TA: Test Administrator CSA: California Spanish Assessment TE: Test Examiner (CAA Only) SASP: Student Accessibility Supports Profile UDAs: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations. Also referred to as Accessibility Supports Elizabeth
Overview of CAASPP Tests
Grade Assessment Window SA English Language Arts/Literacy 3-8, & 11 March 6 - June 6, 2019 SA Mathematics Science (CAST) 5, 8, & 11* CAA ELA CAA Math CAA Science Field Test September 4, June 6, 2019 January 7, June 6, 2019 ELPAC Summative TK-12 Feb. 1 - May 31, 2019 All Students English Language Learners (ELLs) Students with IEPs or Section 504 plans Elizabeth added asterisk to science grade 11
Accessibility Supports for CAASPP
All Students English Learners (ELs) Students with IEPs or Section 504 Plans Universal Tools Based on student preference and selection X Designated Supports Need to be indicated by an educator or parent/guardian(example EL Facilitator, Teacher, and/or IEP team or 504 plan) Accommodations Based on IEP or Section 504 plan All Students English Language Learners (ELLs) Students with IEPs or Section 504 plans Elizabeth SASP SASP Must be in IEP or 504 Must be in IEP or 504
Delivery of Accessibility Supports
The online assessments include embedded and non-embedded Accessibility Supports: Embedded: The student will access the support within the digital testing interface. (e.g., digital notepad, calculator) Non-Embedded: The test administrator must provide the support to the student. (e.g., scratch paper, noise buffers, breaks) Elizabeth Title?
Accessibility Supports ELA, Math and Science
Version Coming Soon Elizabeth coming soon?
Universal Tools Universal tools are supports that are available to ALL students based on student preference and selection. Embedded Non-Embedded Breaks Calculator Digital Notepad English Dictionary English Glossary Expandable Items Expandable Passages Global Notes Highlighter Keyboard Navigation Line Reader Mark for Review Math Tools Science Charts Science Tools Spell Check Strikethrough Thesaurus Writing Tools Zoom Scratch Paper Elizabeth
Frequently Used Universal Tools
Line Reader (embedded) The student uses an onscreen universal tool to assist in reading by raising and lowering the tool for each line of text on screen Link - Line Reader Calculator (embedded) (SA Math - for calculator allowed items only, grades 6-8 and 11. Science - four function calculator for grade 5, scientific for grade 8 and high school) An embedded on-screen digital calculator can be accessed for calculator allowed items when students click on the calculator button. This tool is available only with the specific items for which the Smarter Balanced Item Specifications indicated that it would be appropriate. Links - Grade 6 Grade High School Elizabeth In the practice test the calculator icon doesn’t show up until the second part of the practice test.
Frequently Used Universal Tools
Highlighter (embedded) A digital tool for marking desired text, item questions, item answers, or parts of these with a color. Highlighted text remains available throughout each test segment. link - Highlighter Elizabeth
Designated Supports Designated Supports are available to ALL students as indicated by a parent/guardian or educator (e.g., EL Facilitator, Teacher, and/or IEP team or Section 504 plan). Embedded Non-Embedded Color Contrast Masking Mouse Pointer Text-to-Speech Items Translated Test Directions Translations (Glossary) Translations (Spanish Stacked) Turn off any Universal Tools Streamline* 100s Number Table Amplification Bilingual Dictionary Calculator Color Overlays Magnification Medical Device* Multiplication Table Noise Buffers Read Aloud Items Science Charts Scribe Separate Setting Simplified Test Directions Elizabeth *Indicates New Support
Frequently Used Designated Supports
Streamline (embedded) The support provides a streamlined interface of the test in an alternate, simplified format in which the items are displayed below the stimuli. This also allows the student to increase the size of the text. link- Streamline Text-to-Speech (embedded) - for math stimuli and items and ELA items, not for passages Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology. The student is able to control the speed as well as raise or lower the volume of the voice via a volume control. link - ELA Items Math Stimuli Elizabeth
Frequently Used Designated Supports
Read Aloud (non-embedded) - for math stimuli and items and ELA items, not for reading passages Text is read aloud to the student by a trained and qualified human reader who follows the administration guidelines. All or portions of the content may be read aloud. Scribe (non-embedded) for all items except ELA performance task full write Students dictate their responses to a human who records verbatim what they dictate. The scribe must be trained and qualified. Separate Setting (non-embedded) Test location is altered so that the student is tested in a setting different from that made available for most students. Elizabeth
Frequently Used Designated Supports
Medical Device (non-embedded) NEW: Students may have access to an electronic device for medical purposes (e.g., Glucose Monitor). The device may include a cell phone, and should only support the student during testing for medical reasons. Noise Buffers (non-embedded) Ear mufflers, white noise, and/or other equipment used to block external sounds Amplification (non-embedded) The student adjusts the volume control beyond the computer’s built in settings using headphones or other non-embedded devices. Magnification (non-embedded) The size of specific area and changing of the color contrast, including the size and color of the mouse pointer, to a level not provided for by the zoom universal tool, color contrast designated support, and/or mouse pointer designated support. Elizabeth
Accommodations Accommodations are available only to students with a current IEP or Section 504 Plan. Embedded Non-Embedded American Sign Language Audio Transcript (includes braille transcript) Braille Braille Transcript Closed Captioning Text-to-Speech Passages 100s number table Abacus Alternate Response Options Calculator Multiplication Table Print on Demand Read Aloud Passages Scribe (writing only) Speech-to-Text Word Prediction Elizabeth
Frequently Used Accommodations
Closed Captioning (embedded) - For ELA listening items only Printed text that appears on the computer screen as audio materials are presented. link - Closed Captioning Text-to-Speech (embedded) - Available only for ELA reading passages, all grades Text is read aloud to the student via embedded text-to-speech technology. The student is able to control the speed as well as raise or lower the volume of the voice via a volume control. link - Text-to-Speech Accommodation Scribe (non-embedded) - For ELA Performance Task Full Write Students dictate their responses to a human who records verbatim what they dictate. Word Prediction (non-embedded) New: Word prediction allows students to begin writing a word and choose from a list of words that have been predicted from word frequency and syntax rules. Elizabeth What is the difference between Text-to -Speech DS and Accom?
Frequently Used Accommodations
Calculator (non-embedded) - (for calculator allowed items only, grades 6-8 and 11) For students needing a special calculator, such as a braille or a talking calculator and can be accessed only for calculator-allowed items. 100s Number Table (non-embedded) - Grades 4-8, and 11 math items A paper-based table listing number from 1– 100 available from Smarter Balanced for reference. Multiplication Table (non-embedded) - Grades 4-8 and 11, math items A paper-based single digit (1–9) multiplication table will be available from Smarter Balanced for reference. Elizabeth What is the difference between Text-to -Speech DS and Accom?
California Alternate Assessments ELA, Math and Science
Embedded Accessibility Supports NOT Available for CAA
American Sign Language videos (The test examiner is allowed to sign to the student as the language of instruction.) Braille (either by means of an embosser or a refreshable display)* Closed captioning Text-to-speech Translation glossaries Elizabeth
Checklist of Activities Prior to Administering the CAA for Science
Obtain the embedded performance tasks (PTs) Review activities associated with the embedded PTs. Decide the date and order to administer the PTs based on when the concept is taught. Teach the lesson on the concept Provide instruction on activity (PT). Determine whether to administer the Exemplar Activity or an Individualized Activity. Gather necessary activity materials. Administer and score the PTs Enter scores into the DEI (when available) Elizabeth Teach-Assess-Enter Scores into the DEI Align the instruction of the concept with the
Accessibility Supports
English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) Version Coming Soon Elizabeth
Clarification of Breaks
Universal Tool “Breaks, including testing over more than one day, between the test contractor - identified test sections” These are breaks that naturally occur between domains and are available to all students taking the test. Accomodation “Supervised breaks within a section of the test” These are breaks that can be given students during a domain as indicated on their IEP or 504. *A break can not be offered at any time during the Listening Domain. Elizabeth
Bridging the Gap Between Instruction and Accessibility Supports
Victoria Talking
Connecting to the Classroom
Goal: To identify similarities between instructional supports and accessibility supports. Many of the resources should be similar to what is being used during classroom instruction. Mainly, our students will be given access for success. Victoria - Explain access for success: give examples of how a particular accessibility support is given to a student to eliminate certain barriers. maybe align language? assessment resources aka UDAs and accommodations/modifications during instruction
Smarter Balanced Resources and Practices Comparison Crosswalk
Victoria Share with your neighbor how you use specific supports in your classroom What are some supports that you already use in your classroom? How has your knowledge of the accessibility supports changed your way to discuss the supports with your IEP teams?
Guidelines for SEIS Victoria
Live Demonstration in SEIS
Victoria showing them how to select the supports in SEIS for the Special Factors Page. During
Analyzing a Special Factors Page
Assigned accessibility supports should only be supports a student uses regularly during instruction and/or are familiar with using. Victoria
Communication Victoria
Bridging the Gap Continuous cycle of communication.
Team determines appropriate accessibility supports for student and enters into SEIS/504. Case Carrier communicates appropriate supports to student’s teacher(s) and testing coordinator Teacher implements supports during instruction. Site Testing Coordinator enters accessibility supports in TOMS Case carrier/teacher teaches student how to use supports. Student gives feedback Victoria
Practice Tests and Interim Assessments
Mark This is our time to teach the student
Using the Practice Test to Experience Accessibility Supports
The practice test provides an opportunity for students and teachers to select and experience specific accessibility supports that are available to the students. Including, Universal Tools, Designated Supports,and Accommodations The practice test may help inform decisions about the selection and assignment of accessibility supports for students. Go to: Mark Live demonstration
Using Interim Assessments to Experience Accessibility Supports
The interim assessments allow students to experience specific accessibility supports that are available to them. Including, Universal Tools, Designated Supports,and Accommodations Student accessibility supports can be set in TOMS before administering an interim assessments. Interim assessments may help inform decisions about the selection and assignment of accessibility resources for students. Mark
Student Feedback with Accessibility Supports
Once you have taught and allowed the students to experience the accessibility supports in the digital platform: Ask the students to share what supports: they liked/disliked worked/didn’t work for them helped provide a better understanding of the test Mark Add slide for student feedback.. is this support allowing the student to access the assessment? l
Resources for Accessibility Supports
SBAC Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines
Provides detailed guidelines for selecting and administering universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations for those students who need them; and recommendations for use in the classroom. Update image Available at:
Matrix One Graphically displays the embedded and non-embedded Accessibility Supports allowed as part of CAASPP system for (coming soon) English Language Arts Mathematics Science Test - CAST Version Coming Soon Available at: (coming soon)
California Student Assessment Accessibility Graphic
Graphics of embedded and non-embedded Accessibility Supports for students English Language Arts Mathematics Science Test - CAST Version Coming Soon Available at:
Matrix Four Graphics of embedded and non-embedded Accessibility Supports for students ELPAC Available at:
California Student Assessment Accessibility Graphic
Graphic of embedded and non- embedded Accessibility Supports for students ELPAC Version Coming Soon Available at:
Accessibility Resources
All accessibility resources will be available at:
Special Factors Activity
Special Education Department Contacts
Paulina Nwuba Director of Special Education Dr. Ruth Heger, Ph.D Assistant Director Angelina Castillo Program Specialist Susan Kimura Randi Chapluk Diane Tankersley Assistant to the Director Maria Victoria Taylor Instructional Specialist
Assessment Department Contacts
Group - Gina Simpson Director, Assessment LEA CAASPP Coordinator Cell: Joyce Stark Assistant to the Director, Assessment Office: Brandy Robb Assists with Federal, State, and local assessment administration (pre-id, materials, and logistics) Office: Mariela Aguilar Assists with State and local assessments (technical support), reports, and NPS Office: Heather Goodwin Interim Director, Assessment Cell: Grace Ledesma Assists with user accounts, testing budgets, personnel authorizations (PAs), and reports Office: Mark Rasmussen Instructional Specialist/Assessment Office: Elizabeth Juge Office:
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