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Europe 2020 and European Semester Policy Update September 2018

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1 Europe 2020 and European Semester Policy Update September 2018
Sian Jones Policy Coordinator European Anti-Poverty Network

2 Outline Reminder of the European Semester cycle
Key drivers of the process EAPN Action July September 2018 What’s coming up? Focus in this meeting: Letter/ Key Messages to AGS and inputs to Country Reports

3 The European Semester Cycle
Annual Growth Survey (AGS) 2018 – 22 November 2017 Country Reports / Winter Package – 7 March 2018 National Reform Programmes (NRP) and Stability or Convergence Programmes (SCP) – Mid-April 2018 Country Specific Recommendations (CSRs) – 23 May 2018 Revision of MS budgets from Euro area – Mid-October 2018 Bilateral meetings – COM and MS on implementation – all year Annual Growth Survey (AGS) 2019 – November 2018

4 Key drivers of the process
4a Key drivers of the process Annual Growth Survey (and JER) 2018 Semester aims to identify economic and social priorities and convergence, support the Social Pillar as a ‘compass’ for ‘fair and functioning labour markets and welfare systems’. But, same 3 priorities: boosting investment, structural reforms,responsible fiscal policies. The European Pillar of Social Rights, adopted in Gothenburg on 17 November 2017, will be delivered primarily through the European Semester and EU funds: Social Fairness Package clarifies implementation Social Scoreboard supposed to underpin AGS, Country Reports, CSRs Employment Guidelines: amended to reflect the Pillar, provide CSR legal basis. Recital 11 includes civil society as partners. Poverty Reduction Target of Europe 2020 118 million, still more than Scoreboard more visible than Target.

5 Update on EAPN Action July 2018 to September 2018
EAPN in DG Employment Strategic Dialogue Meeting – CSRs (2 July) EUISG Exchange with European Commission highlighting concerns in CSRs and Semester (Jeroen Jutte etc) (6 July) Lobbied for Council Decision (adopted16 July) Guidelines for employment policies (European Semester) – Recital 11 – should be implemented in partnership with… social partners and representatives of civil society” Questionnaires received from members, draft NRP circulated at end of July, and NRP Assessment Report finalized (September) Meetings with Juncker’s cabinet, Thyssen’s and Dombrovski’s cabinet. (5 and 6 Sept) on CSRs, and delivery on Social Pillar Meeting with SPC Secretariat and Social Platform (Sept 13)

6 What’s coming up? Timeline July– December 2018
2nd October – DG Employment Structured Dialogue Seminar EAPN speakers (Austria/Estonia/Cyprus) and EAPN rapporteur. Mid October – EAPN members send inputs to Country Reports from National Poverty Watches, with Recommendations. 15 October – Eurozone MS present budgets to EC. Autumn to February: Bilateral meetings in preparation for Country Report between Commission, Member States and some stakeholders Mid Nov: Annual Growth Survey/ draft Joint Employment Report 29-30 November: 1st Anniversary of Social Pillar Event – Lisbon – organized by Social Platform, Portuguese Government with EAPN PT. December: EAPN Response to the AGS and draft JER.

7 EAPN NRP Assessment 2018 Key Messages
Ensure macroeconomic policies promote social rights and poverty reduction! Progress on poverty + social rights with a rights-based integrated strategy/action plan Implement quality employment policies that ensure that nobody is left behind Invest in equal access to universal, free, quality public education and holistic lifelong learning, as well as vocational training Increase EU funds for measures supporting integrated anti-poverty strategies, delivered with civil society organizations!

8 Focus of Meeting: Messages/Advocacy on AGS
Action to influence the 2019 Country Reports Send your Poverty Watch and recommendations to the Desk Officers and Semester Officers by Oct 15 EAPN sends All Poverty Watches with links and table of recommendations to EC. Action to influence the Annual Growth Survey Check/amend messages and draft letter to Juncker Send letter to your Semester Officers – your concerns for next Annual Growth Survey!

9 Thank you for your attention!
For more information, please contact Sian Jones EAPN Policy Coordinator

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