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Bible Study Seminar.

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1 Bible Study Seminar

2 Seminar Content Part 1: Importance of Bible Study
Part 2: Inductive Bible Study 1 Part 3: Inductive Bible Study 2 Part 4: Associative Bible Study Part 5: Devotional Bible Study

3 Devotional Bible Study*
Characterized by: Meditation

4 Devotional Bible Study*
Characterized by: Meditation Prayer

5 Devotional Bible Study*
Characterized by: Meditation Prayer Goals 1. Personal

6 Devotional Bible Study*
Characterized by: Meditation Prayer Goals 1. Personal 2. Practical  

7 Devotional Bible Study*
Characterized by: Meditation Prayer Goals 1. Personal 3. Possible 2. Practical

8 Devotional Bible Study*
Characterized by: Meditation Prayer Goals 1. Personal 3. Possible 2. Practical 4. Provable *Adapted from Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods

9 Step 1: Pray and Meditate.
A. Pray for Insight from God. To help you understand the scripture. To apply the knowledge to your life. To share the knowledge with others.

10 Step 1: Pray and Meditate.
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 1. Visualize the narrative in your mind. Put yourself in the situation. Ask yourself: “How would I have reacted?” Example: Jesus (John 4) Peter (Acts 10)

11 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”

12 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”

13 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”

14 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”

15 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 2. Emphasize words in the text. 23rd Psalm: “The Lord is my shepherd.”

16 B. Meditate on the Scripture.
3. Paraphrase the text. 23rd Psalm:

17 “God will take care of me in every situation in my life.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 3. Paraphrase the text. 23rd Psalm: “God will take care of me in every situation in my life.”

18 3. Paraphrase the text. Philippians 4:13:
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 3. Paraphrase the text. Philippians 4:13:

19 “I can move spiritual mountains if Jesus is with me.”
B. Meditate on the Scripture. 3. Paraphrase the text. Philippians 4:13: “I can move spiritual mountains if Jesus is with me.”

20 B. Meditate on the Scripture
4. Personalize the text.

21 B. Meditate on the Scripture
4. Personalize the text. John 3:16: “For God so loved Damon Vincent that he gave his one and only Son that if Damon believes in him, Damon shall not perish but have eternal life.”

22 B. Meditate on the Scripture
4. Personalize the text. Galatians 2:20:“Damon Vincent is crucified with Christ; nevertheless, Damon lives, yet not Damon, but Christ lives in him; and the life which Damon now lives in the flesh, he lives by faith in the Son of God, who loved Damon, and gave Himself for him.”

23 B. Meditate on the Scripture
5. Pray the verse or passage back to God. John 3:16

24 B. Meditate on the Scripture
5. Pray the verse or passage back to God. John 3:16 “Thank you, God, that you sent your Son to die for me. I believe in Jesus; I will obey Him, and I will live for Him.”

25 B. Meditate on the Scripture
5. Pray the verse or passage back to God. Galatians 2:20 “Thank you, God, that you would stoop so low to rescue even me through the blood of Christ. I am inexpressibly glad that Christ is living in me. I want to live in Christ so that I can grow still closer to you through the Holy Spirit.”

26 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
1. Select an application that is personal. Emphasize your commitment. Use personal pronouns (I, me, my, mine).

27 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
2. Make sure your application is practical. Choose something you can do. Plan a definite course of action.

28 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
3. Make sure your application is possible. Begin what you can accomplish. Avoid discouragement.

29 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
4. Make sure your application is provable. Make a checklist to follow up your plan. Set measurable goals. Establish a time limit.

30 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
Example: Ecclesiastes 6:7. “All man’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied.” Personal: “I need to...”

31 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
Example: Ecclesiastes 6:7. “All man’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied.” Personal: “I need to...” Practical: “I need to lose some weight.”

32 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
Example: Ecclesiastes 6:7. “All man’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied.” Personal: “I need to...” Practical: “I need to lose some weight.” Possible: “I need to lose 10 pounds.”

33 Step 2: Write Out an Application.
Example: Ecclesiastes 6:7. “All man’s efforts are for his mouth, yet his appetite is never satisfied.” Personal: “I need to...” Practical: “I need to lose some weight.” Possible: “I need to lose 10 pounds.” Provable: “I need to lose 10 pounds before the end of the month.”

34 Example: Matthew 5:16. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.” Personal: “I need to…”

35 Practical: “I need to let my Christian light shine among my friends.”
Example: Matthew 5:16. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.” Personal: “I need to…” Practical: “I need to let my Christian light shine among my friends.”

36 Practical: “I need to let my Christian light shine among my friends.”
Example: Matthew 5:16. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.” Personal: “I need to…” Practical: “I need to let my Christian light shine among my friends.” Possible: “I need to conduct more Bible studies in the homes of my friends.”

37 Practical: “I need to let my Christian light shine among my friends.”
Example: Matthew 5:16. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven.” Personal: “I need to…” Practical: “I need to let my Christian light shine among my friends.” Possible: “I need to conduct more Bible studies in the homes of my friends.” Provable: “I need to conduct at least one home Bible study each month.”

38 Step 3: Memorize a Key Verse from Your Study.
Meditate on the passage.

39 Step 3: Memorize a Key Verse from Your Study.
Meditate on the passage. Repeat the verse to reinforce new truth.

40 Step 3: Memorize a Key Verse from Your Study.
Meditate on the passage. Repeat the verse to reinforce new truth. Sense God’s presence and help.

41 Conclusion: Ask yourself, “Does this application help me become more like Jesus?”

42 Conclusion: Ask yourself, “Does this application help me become more like Jesus?” Realize that application of God’s Word is necessary for your spiritual health and growth.

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