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James Hood Welcome to the James Hood Museum Artifact 1

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Presentation on theme: "James Hood Welcome to the James Hood Museum Artifact 1"— Presentation transcript:

1 James Hood Welcome to the James Hood Museum Artifact 1
Visit the Curator Beginning of Enrolment Hoods Life in University University of Alabama Facts about James Hood Artifact 1 Welcome to the James Hood Museum Museum Entrance

2 Selena Campos Back to Lobby

3 Beginning of Enrolment
Artifact 3 Artifact 2 Artifact 4 Back to Lobby

4 Hoods Life in the University
Artifact 6 Artifact 7 Back to Lobby 4

5 Room 3 Title Artifact 9 Artifact 8 Back to Lobby 5

6 Facts about James Hood Artifact 12 Artifact 11 Artifact 13
Back to Lobby 6

7 Beginning of Enrolment
Insert Artifact Picture Here Beginning of Enrolment Hood was put into the national Spotlight during the long fight to go to his home state college. Back to Room 1

8 Beginning of Enrolment
Insert Artifact Picture Here Beginning of Enrolment After two years of carefully thinking and court proceedings, Vivian Malone and James Hood were granted permission to enroll in the university by order of District Court Judge Harlan Grooms in 1963. James Hood and Vivian Malone were two of the first blacks to enroll in the University. Malone attended the University for two years and earned a Bachelors Degree. However, she wanted to do accounting but the school was not offering it. Back to Room 1

9 Beginning of Enrolment
Insert Art Beginning of Enrolment James Hood wrote a letter to the editor of Atlanta Journal-Constitution complaining about an article which was based on a survey of students at Clark. It stated that blacks aren’t capable of higher thinking abilities. He soon got a reply printed on toilet paper, he was told he wasn't smart enough to question the newspaper's editors Back to Room 1

10 Intergrade- to bring together
Insert Artifact Picture Here Life in the University James Hood and Vivian Malone enrolled at the university of Alabama. Together they integrated the school. Intergrade- to bring together Back to Room 1

11 Insert Artifact Picture Here Life in the University The whites at the University weren’t being fair. They didn’t want Vivian Malone nor James Hood to enroll. James Hood didn’t get the opportunity to sleep in the dorms close to the other students. He was on watch by the securities on campus. Back to Room 2

12 Insert Artifact Picture Here Life in the University James Hood left the University of Alabama for various reasons. One of those reasons were to avoid mental and physical breakdown. Another reason why is to avoid possible expulsion. Back to Room 2

13 University of Alabama (1963)
Insert Artifact Picture Here University of Alabama (1963) James Hood and Vivian Malone got blocked from enrolling at a white school by Alabama Gov. Wallace. He stood in front of the doors to try and keep the two from going inside. But they were determined to become the first “colored” people to get a degree. Back to Room 2

14 University of Alabama (1963)
Insert Artifact Picture Here University of Alabama (1963) James Hood did live on campus. But he didn’t sleep in the dorms with the other students. No, he was put where only the Federal Marshals were. Therefore there was always an eye on him where ever he went on campus. Back to Room 3

15 Insert Artifact Picture Here University of Alabama Hood was a drop out, but after a few months he returned to receive his P.H.D in interdisciplinary studies. (1997) Back to Room 3

16 #1:Hood wanted to attend the University of Alabama to study clinical psychology
Back to Room 4

17 #2: After leaving the University of Alabama, Hood transferred to Wayne State University in Michigan, where he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal justice and sociology. Back to Room 4

18 #3:While Hood fought to gain entrance to the University of Alabama, he attended Clark University in Atlanta, where his English instructor was Christine King Farris, the sister of Martin Luther King, Jr. Back to Room 4

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