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Native American Myth.

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Presentation on theme: "Native American Myth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Native American Myth

2 Purpose for studying: To understand the cultures and beliefs of some of the early inhabitants of America To identify common characteristics of Native American Literature

3 Oral Tradition: Literature that is passed down by word of mouth.
Began when 1st settlers migrated to North America between 20,000-40,000 years ago. Highly respected Reflects culture of tribe Not recognized by western scholars until 1800’s

4 Myth Myth: Story that uses the supernatural to explain the natural world or human behavior. Creation Myth: Explains how human beings came to exist. True in societies which tell them Every society has a mythology Origin myth: explanation of the natural world

5 Archetype Archetype: Symbol, story pattern, or character type found in the literature of many cultures Supreme Being Trickster Good/Evil Twins Birth/Death/Rebirth Flood Monsters Heroes Good vs. Evil

6 Tricksters Trickster: Rebel who frequently causes trouble but also shows unexpected wisdom. Often animals (coyote, raven) Clever, creative Helps humans

7 Characteristics of Native American Myth
Anthropomorphism: Giving animals human characteristics. Also: Equality between humans and animals Main character often female Circle of life Fall/Climb Balance Similar to Christian Myth Daily habits of tribe (hunters, farmers, etc.) Fall: Hunters / Climb: Gatherers, farmers

8 Totems Totem: Animal or other object from which Native Americans are descended Native Americans honor their totems and preserve their myths.

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