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Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion

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1 Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Ch. 2, Section 4 Page 55 – 61

2 Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
The 3rd Law of Motion states: if __ONE__ object exerts a force on another object, then the __2nd__ object exerts a force of __EQUAL__ strength in the __OPPOSITE__ direction on the 1st object. For __EVERY__ action there is an __EQUAL__ but __OPPOSITE__ reaction. Brain Pop- (3:03) Newton’s Laws of Motion

3 Action – Reaction Pairs
Is a Pair of objects that interact to produce a __FORCE__ on each other of __EQUAL__ force but in the __OPPOSITE__ direction. Object A exerts a __FORCE__ on object B that __PUSHES/PULLS__ it; and object B exerts a __FORCE__ on object A that __PUSHES/PULLS__ it.

4 Detecting Motion You __CANT__ always detect __ACTION – REACTION PAIRS__ You __JUMPING__ off the ground: __GRAVITY__ pulls you to the Earth, you don’t see your __BODY__ pull the __EARTH__ towards you.

5 Do Action – Reaction Pairs Cancel?
Action and Reaction Pairs __DO NOT__ cancel each other out because they are __ACTING__ on __DIFFERENT__ objects.

6 Momentum __MOMENTUM__ is called a __QUANITY__ of __MOTION__
Momentum is a characteristic of a __MOVING__ object that is related to the __MASS__ and the __VELOCITY__ of the object. Momentum = __MASS__ X __VELOCITY__ The label for momentum is __Kg X M/S__ The __MORE__ momentum a moving object has, the __HARDER__ it is to stop. The __MASS__ of an object affects the amount of __MOMENTUM__ the object has. The __VELOCITY__ of an object also affects the __AMOUNT__ of momentum an object has.

7 Conservation of Momentum
Conservation refers to the conditions __BEFORE__ and __AFTER__ some event. Momentum may be __TRANSFERRED__ from 1 object to another, but __NONE__ is lost. The amount of momentum is the __SAME__ before and __AFTER__ they interact. The total __MOMENTUM__ of any group of objects remains the __SAME__, or is conserved, unless outside forces act on the objects. __FRICTION__ is an example of an outside force. Newton’s Cradle (1:49)-


9 Collisions with 2 Moving Objects (P. 60)
2 equal __MASS__ objects traveling in the same direction, 1 object is traveling faster than the other, during a collision the speed of each car __CHANGES__. The __MOMENTUM__ of 1 object __DECREASES__ while the momentum of the other __INCREASES__

10 Collisions with One Moving Object
2 __EQUAL__ mass objects, 1 object is moving and 1 object is not moving, during a collision the __MOVING__ object is __STOPPED__ and stopped object is __MOVING__ __ALL__ of the momentum has been __TRANSFERRED__ from the __MOVING__ object to the __NON-MOVING__ object.

11 Collisions with Connected Objects.
2 equal mass __OBJECTS__, 1 object is moving and 1 object is not moving, during a collision the objects __STICK__ together. There __MASS__ is __DOUBLED__ and the __VELOCITY__ is divided in __HALF__, the total momentum __REMAINS THE SAME__. Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion – (5:58)

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