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What’s happening at the Academy?
Speak Out There are two new ways in which you can speak out about bullying. In the student reception, you will find a ‘Speak Out’ box. You can post your comments in here. Remember, we can only tackle bullying and support those being bullied if we hear about it and have enough information. Posting anonymously can’t work. You can also your concerns to our new address
Aerosols and Banned Items
A reminder that aerosols and bodysprays are banned in school. They cause issues for people with breathing conditions and as a result are potentially very dangerous As a reminder: Food should only be consumed in the dining room or outside Banned Items (There are a few but here are the main offenders) Chewing gum Fizzy or energy drinks
Break and Lunchtimes Food should only be consumed in either the dining room or outside of the building. There should not be anyone eating in the corridors or atrium and we need to avoid the mess that is currently being left on the floor along both the performing arts and red corridors
Balcony and old music practice rooms
THESE AREAS ARE OUT OF BOUNDS For a whole variety of reasons these areas are not to be used by anyone at any time. The only exception to this is when the the balcony is to be used is to access room 6 for lessons A Reminder Playing Manhunt in and around room 5/hall site A/balcony is not ok! one student has already fallen and smacked his head on the railings!
BIKE SHED OPENING As of 11th February the bike shed behind Excel will be open to use. No bike should now be against the fence and no one should be around the bikes other that at the start and end of the day. There is good CCTV coverage in this area and its behind locked gates.
Your Voice meeting on Tuesday 12th Feb 1.25 in room 9a.
All students welcome even if you haven’t been before. Campaign focus is on recycling but ideas for new campaigns are welcome.
Yr 10 & 11 GCSE English ‘Drop In’
Drop in sessions every Wednesday lunchtime in room 30 (Mr Mackay's room). A chance to complete homework, ask questions about the GCSE texts, go through elements of English you are unsure of...anything to do with GCSE English. It's drop in, so please just come along and stay for as long as you need to...there's no minimum or maximum.
A homework club is running every Thursday after school in ICT 5
Maths Homework Club A homework club is running every Thursday after school in ICT 5
Please read the schedule for rehearsals this week Tuesday after school 3.15 – 5.00pm Wednesday after school pm Choreography ALL NEEDED FOR THE FINALE Thursday after school 3.15 – 5.00pm Choreography It tells you on the schedule what we will be doing at lunchtimes. IF YOU CANNOT COME TO A REHEARSAL MAKE SURE THAT YOU LET US KNOW VIA MAIL OR IN PERSON. ALL LYRICS MUST BE KNOWN BY HALF TERM REHEARSALS NEXT WEEK DON’T FORGET HALF TERM REHEARSALS MON AND TUES 9-5PM.
This week in PE Lots going on again this week in PE
MONDAY: Year 8 Boy’s Basketball training – Site A – Team Only TUESDAY: Year 10 Football team v Groby Brookvale – Away – County Cup Semi-final TUESDAY: All Years Netball Training – CANCELLED THIS WEEK ONLY TUESDAY: Year 7/8 Football Training WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club (Site B) WEDNESDAY: Year 8 Basketball team v Rushey Mead – Home – County Cup Quarters WEDNESDAY: KS3 Swimming Gala – Leicester Grammar THURSDAY: Year 7 Girl’s Football v Beauchamp – Home – League THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Girl’s Football v Beauchamp – Home – League THURSDAY: KS3 Boy’s Badminton v Gartree – Home – League THURSDAY: KS3 Girl’s Badminton v Gartree – Home – League THURSDAY: KS4 Boy’s Badminton v Gartree – Home - League THURSDAY: KS3 Multi-Sports Club – Invite Only – Site B
PE Results TUESDAY: The Year 8/9 Girl’s Football team put in a great team performance to run out 3-2 winners v South Wigston. Carys Johnson x 2 and Penny Adams- Smith with the goals. TUESDAY: The Year 7 Girl’s Football team put in another superb performance to run out 5-0 winners v South Wigston in the league. Lili Rutter got one and Sian Foran scored 4. THURSDAY: The Year 7 Netball team put in some good displays and showed a great attitude throughout their matches at the South Leicestershire Tournament. Well done girls.
Year 9 Football The Year 9 Football team are into the QUARTER FINALS of the National Cup after a superb 2-1 extra time win against Ashfield School from Nottingham. A penalty from captain Jake Warren and an extra-time winner from Oliver Berry putting them into the hat for the next round. This means they are in the top 8 teams out of over 800 in the country. A superb achievement boys!
MAKE YOUR MARK! Design a National Book Token Competition
One lucky winner’s design will be made into a real-life National Book Tokens gift card, to be distributed across bookshops nationwide in time for Christmas! And there are National Book Tokens galore to be won too – just imagine all those beautiful new books for the school’s bookshelves… To take part, you simply have to make your mark on the template (available from Mrs Patel) and design a National Book Token with the theme of Share a Story. A panel of judges will select a winner and runner-up in each of three age categories: up to 8 years, 9-12 years and years.
See Mrs Patel in Room 30A for an entry form. Deadline: 5th April 2019
FIRST PRIZE in each age range wins: £250 National Book Tokens for the school £100 National Book Tokens for the child £100 National Book Tokens for the teacher SECOND PRIZE in each age range wins: £150 National Book Tokens for the school £50 National Book Tokens for the child £50/€55 National Book Tokens for the teacher See Mrs Patel in Room 30A for an entry form. Deadline: 5th April 2019
Junior Maths Challenge – Years 7 & 8
If you are in set 1 in year 7 or 8 you have been invited to enter the UKMT Maths Challenge. When: Tuesday 30th April Period 1 What: Multiple choice mathematics problem solving questions (You will have some practice in lessons closer to the time) If you do not want to take part the reply slip or a letter from your parents must be returned to your teacher by the end of Tuesday 12th February. Any non-returns will be entered, not completing the Challenge on the day may result in being charged for entry. If any one has not been selected but would like to do it see Mr Ashton (Room 41)
Fun Facts – Things you might not know!
Thank you Miss Higgs
Club Geography Do you care about the Earth?
Everyone is Welcome!!! Next meeting – Thursday 28thth February at 1:30 in Lunch. Come to room 13 to get an Early Lunch Pass from Mr Cotterill. From then on it will be every Thursday in Week 1. Room 13 Site A – Mr Cotterill. Geography Club Do you care about the Earth? Do you want to help campaign to save our planet and improve recycling in our school? Or do you just love to learn about the world we all live in? Geography Club has many wonderful things to look forward to this year!!!
Year 11 History Intervention Sessions
Date Focus Teacher Location 22nd January Source Analysis 1 ESp 11 29th January Source Analysis 2 5th February Health and the People – Themes (Q4) 1 KGo 10 12th February Health and the People – Themes (Q4) 2 26th February Conflict and Tension – Themes (Q4) 1 NAd 8 5th March Conflict and Tension – Themes (Q4) 2 When? Every Tuesday pm
Year 11 History Revision Sessions
When? Every Wednesday pm Where? Room 9 Who with? Mr Manton Please, indicate if you are attending on the sign-up sheet outside room 9.
Geography Intervention CLUB
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND… Geography Intervention CLUB If you are predicted 5 or above in GCSE Geography you are invited to attend revision sessions in room 14 every Wednesday lunch time ( pm). See Mr Dixon for a early lunch pass.
Please return the reply slip to Mr Dixon ASAP.
Norfolk Visit There is a parent meeting for the upcoming Norfolk visit on Tuesday 12th February from 5:00pm to 5:30pm in the site B school hall. Please return the reply slip to Mr Dixon ASAP.
Room 39 All students that wish to use Rm 39 at lunchtime MUST collect a green pass at breaktime. If you (or your guest) do not have a pass they will not be allowed in through the atrium doors. If any student abuses their pass by using it to go elsewhere in Site B without permission they will have their pass removed and will not be allowed in for the rest of the year!
What does a cardiac Physiologist do?
If you like the idea of working in the medical profession, but don’t want to be a nurse or doctor – this might be for you If you’re not sure what a Cardiac Physiologist does – come along to find out more information You will get hands on experience – finding out what careers are available in this area. Information session / workshop takes place on 5th March; at Wigston College You don’t need to go to university and study medicine If you are interested please give your name to Miss Davies – either through your tutor or directly – by Friday 15th Feb Available to Year 10, 11, 12 and 13
Interested in finding out about your future?
When? How? Wed 13th Feb; pm Attend the Careers Fair Who? Where? Years 8-13 Who will be there? I’ve been before should I go again? Wigston College The list of companies and FE/HE providers coming are on the next slide Yes – there are different companies and FE/HE providers; you’ll be able to ask more questions
Apprenticeship Fair 6th March 3pm – 8pm
Leicester College Apprenticeship Fair is a fantastic way to find out about apprenticeships and meet with employers who are looking to recruit new apprentices to their teams, in a wide range of sectors, such as: Business administration Construction Digital industries and IT Engineering and manufacturing Hairdressing and barbering Pharmacy services Dental nursing Customer service & Management courses If you're not too sure which sector you'd like to work in, don't worry! Our great Apprenticeships and Careers teams will be on hand to provide you with some inspiration and ideas.
Year 11 February Half-Term & Intervention
Helping you achieve YOUR POTENTIAL!
February Half-term Revision/Coursework
NEW! February Half-term Revision/Coursework This February half-term break we are offering a choice of additional sessions. Many of these focus on improving coursework and working on practical assessments. There will be a more revision sessions in the Easter break. Please read the letter carefully, make your choice and complete the reply slip.
February Half-term Revision/Coursework
NEW! February Half-term Revision/Coursework Morning sessions: 9:30am – 11:30am Afternoon sessions: 11:30pm – 2.00pm Date Time Subject Brief Description Tues 19th Feb AM &/or PM OCR Sport Completing/continuing coursework. AM only Textiles Completing practical course work Wed 20th Feb AM or PM Science Tackling misconceptions in Biology- especially in B3 Genetics. AM - Higher Tier / PM – Foundation Tier AM and PM Drama Rehearsal of Exam piece Thurs 21st Feb Dance Year 11 and Year 13 – Preparation for both practical and theory assessments. AM Food Prep Work on NEA2 exam piece. Fri 22nd Feb Travel and Tourism Opportunity for support in completing and/or improving coursework
Reminder Interventions
Remember to value your own progress and make it a priority. You have been chosen by subjects because they think you would benefit from additional support. Statistics show that any extra effort you put in will pay off. So – attend them! Don’t forget you also can go to the drop-in sessions: English (Tuesdays- Room 27), Science (Wednesdays – Room S5) Maths (Thursdays – Room IT5)
Intervention - When and Where
Reminder Lunchtime ( pm) After school ( pm) Monday tbc Tuesday History, English, Food Prep& Nutrition, Design&Technology Wednesday Dance, Food Prep & Nutrition, Design & Technology French, Geography, Science, Drama, Textiles, 3D Art & Design Thursday Travel & Tourism, Maths, Business, Art & Design, Child Development, OCR Sport, GCSE PE Friday Computer Science, Music Art & Design Room ADT5 3D Art & Design Room ADT6 Business Room A2.4 Geography Room 14 Child Development Room C1.11 History Room 9 Computer Science Room C1.3 Maths Room 41 Dance Room F2 Music Room A0.12 Drama Travel & Tourism Room C1.12 English Room 27 Design & Technology / Food Prep & Nutrition Room ICT 5 French Room 3 Science Room S5/S6 GCSE PE Room 48 Textiles Room ADT3 OCR Sport Room ICT4
Thank you Mr Mackay More Facts During this week in History
Nelson Madela was released in 1990 Designer Christian Dior presents his first influential collection in 1947 Hitlers invasion of England is cancelled in 1942 Valentines Day massacre in Chicago in 1929 Socrates is sentenced to death for corrupting the minds of the young in 399BC Thank you Mr Mackay
At Wigston Academy
Year 11 Tournament
Year 11 Tournament
Year 10 Tournament
Year 10 Tournament
Year 9 Champions League
Year 9 Champions League
Year 8 Champions League
Year 8 Champions League
Year 7 Tournament
Year 7 Tournament
And this weeks winners are:
Treat Friday And this weeks winners are:
Year 9
Have a good week
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