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Latino Data.

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1 Latino Data


3 Successful Completion (Degree, Certificate, Transfer, Transfer-ready)

4 Distribution of Underprepared Compared to College-Prepared First-year Students at Bakersfield College Currently most of our student require remedial coursework (basic skills)



7 Percent of U.S. adults with a B.A. or more, by race
2000 2012 1980 1960 1940 1920 Katy Haycock slide Where does BC fit in – We are the DOOR to euity and reaching out to underserved populations and Cal SOAP is the key







14 Educational Master Plan 2014-2017
BASIC SKILLS Summary of Hispanic Success Data Among Five Similarly-sized Community Colleges within the Valley Antelope Valley College BC College of the Sequoias Merced Community College Modesto Junior College Percent of Hispanic Students 36.6% 53.9% 55.3% 48.2% 37.2% Successful Completion SPAR of College Prepared Hispanic Students 63.1% 69.1% 69.3% 63.3% 57.1% Successful Completion by Under-prepared Hispanic Students 36.3% 35.5% 33.0% 28.7% 34.5% Percent of Successful Transfer that were Hispanic Students 30.0% 37.0% 31.0% 28.0% Number of Transfer Students all ethnicities 551 759 567 381 623 Pre-Collegiate Educational Master Plan

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