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BoomSocial BMW UK Twitter Report 01.09.2015 - 30.09.2015.

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Presentation on theme: "BoomSocial BMW UK Twitter Report 01.09.2015 - 30.09.2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 BoomSocial BMW UK Twitter Report

TWEET FOLLOWING FOLLOWERS 23 BQS| The statistics from this analysis were taken from the publicly-open data shared by Twitter. All rights of this analysis belongs to TTBOOM Digital Interactive Media AS. This analysis cannot be copied, published or distributed completely or partially without permission. 2

3 Followers 46.986 2.147 72 Total Followers is the last followers count in the end of the period. Total Follower Growth is the change of followers during the period. 3

4 4 Follower Change and Following 210 (03.09.2015) 552
210 ( ) 552 Accounts Follower is the last count of the accounts followed at the end of the period. 4

5 Boom Quality Score In period, the average BQS score of the page was 23,9. The page had an average BQS Growth Score of 8,8, BQS Content Score of 8,0 and BQS Engagement Score of 7,2. 8,8/10 8,0/10 7,2/10 Boom Quality Score (BQS), is a metric measuring the fan growth, content usage and post engagement of brands with a maximum score of 30. 5

6 Tweets 144 Photo (37 Tweets) Post types are determined by Twitter. Only original posts by the account are counted, retweets by the account are not included. 6

7 Engagement 641 978 Text Most Engaging Content Type is the content type that has the highest total of likes and retweets. 7

8 Top 10 Tweets Like Retweet Total Engagement Knowledge truly is power. This is the new #BMW #7Series: » 79 58 137 Technology-driven, adrenaline-fuelled. The stunning #BMW #M4 on show in Frankfurt. #FrankfurtMotorShow » 73 49 122 Win the official vehicle the #BMW X5, for a year. Enter now: #SweetChariot » 67 36 103 Celebrating 40 years of the #BMW #3Series: The evolution of the kidney grille. #TBT » 45 26 71 Win a #BMW X5 for a year & tickets RBS 6 Nations game at Twickenham » 40 26 66 The Tweets are listed by the total number of interactions (likes and retweets). 8

9 Top 10 Tweets Like Retweet Total Engagement Fancy an track day? We’ve got 8 experiences to give away: #BMW » 30 24 54 Thrilled to announce that the #BMW #i8 won Car of the Year at #T3Awards. Thank you to all that voted! » 33 19 52 Drive six cars, including the #BMW #M4, in one day Enter to win now: » 28 22 50 Look at her #BMWRevival » 31 10 41 all weekend. Come say hello and get a picture with some incredible #classiccars. #BMWRevival » 21 18 39 The Tweets are listed by the total number of interactions (likes and retweets). 9

10 10 Tweet Time Analysis 24 Tweets 21 Tweets 19 Tweets
0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Tweets by Weekdays Tweets by Hours Most Active Hours 24 Tweets 21 Tweets 19 Tweets The day and time of the posts were calculated from the time of each post from the pages in the sector. Most active day and hour was used as a maximum point, and divided to 7. Each day and hour is then assigned by the post count, and colored accoringly. All days and times are at UTC+0. 10

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