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A Look at the Eight Factors Involved in Forming a Culture

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Presentation on theme: "A Look at the Eight Factors Involved in Forming a Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Look at the Eight Factors Involved in Forming a Culture
of Culture ARRFLEPS A Look at the Eight Factors Involved in Forming a Culture

2 Culture The total of knowledge, attitudes, & behaviors shared by and passed on by the members of a specific group

3 Art & Creative Expression
Fine art: visual, dance, theatre, music Literature Appearance—clothing, jewelry, hairstyles, cosmetics, physical features For many men in West Africa, scarring is a form of tribal initiation and a sign of bravery. Done with razor blades, the painful process starts at puberty and continues into adulthood. Each tribe has distinctive tattoo designs.

4 Religion beliefs about supernatural powers that are creators & maintainers of the universe beliefs & values about how people worship the divine & how they behave toward one another monotheistic, polytheistic, animistic/traditional Top: A Muslim in Egypt prays toward Mecca Bottom: Jews praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem

5 Relationships to Family & Others
What is the typical family? How big is it? Who lives together? What are the roles & expectations for males? females? children? adults? What are attitudes toward the young? elderly? What is appropriate behavior? What is taboo? What is marriage like?

6 FOOD & SHELTER—weather & climate have a huge effect
Types Spices Taboos Number of meals Special occasions Lengua cooked in white wine- Tongue of beef simmered to tenderness in white wine and served with green olives.

7 Shelter Style Materials Shape Size Color Arrangement of furniture

8 Language establishes a group identity & sense of unity
is verbal & non-verbal (body language) reveals cultural values ex. the Inuit have many different words for snow can cause conflict ex. Quebec/French Canadians versions of language=dialects; reflect differences in speech patterns related to class, region, age, or other cultural changes

9 Education Education Length Required Differences between the sexes
Formal Informal Literacy rates How do people communicate & receive information?

10 Political & Social Organization
Political systems: democracy, monarchy, dictatorship, communism Laws & values social rules/order (i.e. who is respected?) Ceremonies, traditions, rituals Population: age & sex; urban or rural Misc. social institutions: health care, prison Economic systems: market, command, socialism imports/exports types of jobs average per capita income; standard of living; income equality/inequality Top: Iraqi women show off their dyed fingertips after voting for the first time.

11 Security & Protection How stable is the culture?
How do people protect themselves & others? What security or protection does the government provide, and how effective/large is it (i.e. military, police)?

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