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Response to Changes: A Tale of Two Rural Towns

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1 Response to Changes: A Tale of Two Rural Towns
Kausar Hj Ali, Abdul Ghapar Othman, Hassim Mat Universiti Sains Malaysia RRPG5 International Conference 26-28 August 2014 At INFRA, Bangi

2 INTRODUCTION Changing roles of small towns Issues and challenges of small towns - poverty, unemployment - dwindling rural population - development pressure

Market for agricultural produce Center for production and distribution of goods and services Center for non-farm activities and employment Attraction for rural migration

Accessibility Rural productivity Administrative and institutional structures Natural resource base Population background Infrastructure available TO BE RESILIENT: Modern productive infrastructure Skilled, innovative and entrepreneurial workforce Diversified economic base Strategically located close to urban centers Collaborative relationships between private and public institutions OBJECTIVE Adaptability of two rural towns with different growth patterns

5 Location of Tanjung Piandang and Tanjung Dawai

6 Background of Tanjung Piandang and Tanjung Dawai
Population 5000 2000 Ethnicity 54% Malay 45% Chinese 75% Malay 23% Chinese Education 45% Primary 45% Secondary 3% Tertiary 43% Primary 32% Secondary 1% Tertiary

7 Background of Tanjung Piandang and Tanjung Dawai
Income: Earning <RM1000 57% of HH 70% of HH Commercial 160 units 100 units Industry 44 units 650 workers 70% fishery related 12 units 96 workers 100% fishery related

8 DEVELOPMENT PATTERN Tg Piandang New housing development
Influenced by development in nearby larger towns (source of employment and market center for fishery products) Development pressure on surrounding agricultural land Fishery industry development – export oriented Tg Dawai Housing for resettlement of existing villages Almost isolated from other urban centers Tourism as a source of income Fishery industry development – novelty marine products

Accessibility by the highway vs. dead-end loop 2) Community background education ethnicity mode of operation 3) Locality Advantage image and branding local resources

10 Conclusion The challenge for small town development:
Maintain small town character Improve the economic well-being Input from community

11 Thank You

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