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Evangelism: Telephone Approach

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1 Evangelism: Telephone Approach

2 Telephone Approach Introduce yourself as a member of GACC
2. Call them by name whenever appropriate 3. Acknowledge their visit to our Worship Services 4. Thank them for visiting with us 5. Invite them back to any of our activities 6. Ask if they have any questions

3 Telephone Approach If questions are related to something said or done in Worship Service, acknowledge by saying, that’s a good question and take notes of what’s said. 8. PLEASE do not discuss Bible Questions over the phone. That’s a good lead in to asking about the Home Bible Study.

4 Telephone Approach The Fate of the Lost All are lost because of SIN.
All have sinned and stand short (Romans 2:23) All are children of wrath (Ephesians 2:3) All are under condemnation (Romans 3:19-20) All have a rendezvous with death and judgement (Hebrews 9:27) All are lost and need to be saved (John 3:3; Acts 11:13-14)

5 Telephone Approach The Fate of the Lost The lost are:
Dead in trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1) Alienated from the life of God (Ephesians 2:3) Ignorant of the Truth of God (Romans 1:25) Hostile to the law of God (Romans 8:7) Disobedient to the will of God (Titus 3:3) Exposed to the wrath of God (John 3:36) Naturalized in the unnatural and love darkness rather than light (John 3:19)

6 Telephone Approach Keep this thought in mind as we strive to bring souls to Christ: Acts 26:27-29 – Part of the Apostle Paul’s defense before King Agrippa “King Agrippa, do you believe the Prophets? I know you do. Then Agrippa replied to Paul, in a short time you will PERSUADE me to become a Christian. Then Paul said, I would to God, that whether In a short or long time, not only you, but also all who hear me this Day, might become such as I am, except for these chains”

7 Telephone Approach Suggestions to Overcome Excuses:
If people say they don’t have time to study. Ask them about their schedule, and suggest ways to accomplish this study. Possibly, suggest a study on Sunday morning between the two services at 9:30 to 10:30. Remind them that study will take 60 to 90 minutes one day a week

8 Telephone Approach Suggestions to Overcome Excuses:
Another possibility is to suggest Wednesday nights during the time of our mid-week studies at the building. You may even suggest that they give you the opportunity to present lesson #1 and if they don’t enjoy the study, you will thank them for their time and having the chance to meet them and we will end the study at that point.

9 Telephone Approach Suggestions to Overcome Excuses:
Another technique would be to remind them of how many minutes there are in a week and that all you want is 60 to 90 minutes of that time to study the word of God with them. (there are 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, thus 1440 minutes in a day, 7 days in a week, thus 10,080 minutes in a week and all you want them to give you to study God’s word in 90 minutes of that 10,080. That will leave them with 9,990 minutes they can give to other activities.

10 Telephone Approach Suggestions to Overcome Excuses:
Another method you could use is to ask them instead of making a decision now, take a look at their schedule and you’ll call them back in a couple of days and at that time you will discuss studying God’s word more.

11 Telephone Approach Suggestions to Overcome Excuses:
When talking about studying, it would be a good habit if we would say studying “God’s Word”, trying to get them to think on a higher level. Let them know, they are free to ask questions, encourage them to ask questions in these classes. Be sure to let them know that these are one on one type classes, so there is no need to be afraid to ask questions.

12 Telephone Approach Questions will give you an opportunity to introduce the Home Bible Study. Introduce the Home Bible Study regardless if they have any questions or not. Say the person’s name when introducing the Home Bible Study. There are as many approaches to use to introduce a person to this series of studies as there are days in a month. If you have an approach that you are comfortable with, please use it.

13 If you do not have an approach
Telephone Approach If you do not have an approach YOU MAY START BY USING AN APPROACH SIMILAR TO THIS: My name is ________________________ I’m a member of the Greenville Avenue Congregation. (If they tell you that this is not a good time for them to talk. Ask when you may call back and PLEASE BE SURE TO FOLLOW UP) (Person’s Name) Whenever we have a name and phone number we like to thank you personally for being a part of our Worship Service.

14 Telephone Approach I know you enjoy studying the Bible don’t you?
(Wait for a response) I have a series of Bible Studies I know you would enjoy studying in your home. Here’s a brief summary of the three lessons: Lesson #1 – we study the authority of Christ and the words he left to be followed by all who reverence God. Lesson #2 – we will study God’s word and see from the scriptures what God will have us to do and in return what blessing God gives to us.

15 Telephone Approach Lesson #3 – is the last one.
In Lesson #3 we will look and see how God wants us to Worship him. (“Can we worship God the way we want to or is there a pattern in the Bible that he desires?” ) This is not a question you are asking them to answer, it’s merely a statement to possibly lead them to think about what you just said. You may close by saying, ‘This is only a brief summary of the lessons’. In the lessons there will be some things you are already familiar with and there will also be some things that will be exciting to you.

16 Telephone Approach Let me explain how the studies are presented.
First, this is not a Church Study, this is a Bible Study. We will be reading the Bible. Everything discussed in this study will come directly from the Bible. That’s what I mean by Bible Study. There are three lessons and a worksheet. We would meet only one day out of the week for about 60 – 90 minutes. You decide what day and the time to study.

17 Telephone Approach I’ll make it as convenient for you as I possibly can. You know your schedule better than I do, so I’ll make arrangements around your schedule. I’ll come to you so that you may be comfortable in your own Home. That sounds good already doesn’t it? It’s always good to study God’s word during the week to help us stay focus. What day is good for you? (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday) Whichever is convenient for you. What time? (7:00 or 7:30)

18 Telephone Approach Note: write down all information about the person that would be beneficial to the person conducting the study. You don’t necessary have to teach the class or be the silent partner, the idea is to schedule the class. Verify all information about the class and verify the person’s contact number. Exit this part of the conversation by giving the person your name and number. Tell them if something comes up, they have your number so please give you a call.

19 Telephone Approach Note: Become familiar with our Support Groups, Youth Activities and Events sponsored by the Singles. You may be able to use this information to help a person in their current situation. Here are some NEVERS: Please don’t discuss my church versus your church, regardless of if we are on the phone or in the church building or in a bible study. You and I both know that we don’t have a church. Place all emphasis on Jesus and what he instructed the Apostles to teach.

20 Telephone Approach Please don’t quote bible verses over the phone. It will always appear as your opinion. Never lose your composure on the phone. Always maintain a calm level tone when speaking over the phone.

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